- see a smile :)
- catch a fish <><
- hear a favorite song on the radio
- play tennis (preferably win;)
- spend time with my awesome family & friends
- am outside doing anything
- listen
- do the right thing
- make someone else happy
- paint a room and give it a makeover
- am right
- help someone
- know the answer
- get a hug from mom
- am treated with respect
- wake up to birds chirping
- am with Bradly
- cry tears of joy
- eat healthy
- teach someone something
- stand up for what I believe in
- watch Lost or Ellen
- see/play with a puppy
- save money
- drink an apple juice slushy
- exercise
- find something I've been looking for
- paint my toe nails
- do my best
- sing in the shower
- let my hair air dry and leave it natural
- make something, anything
- clean
- get hand-me-downs from M&K
- eat cereal
- make my parents proud
- see a good movie
- look up at the sky and just breathe
- figure out what to do
- live
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Happiness is when I...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lost Without Lost

Last night was the 2 hour season finale of Lost...until February 2010! It sounds weird. I'll be 20 years old, which is two entire decades! It's so far away AND it's the last season next year.
Josh, Shanon, Adriana, Ashley, Brad, and me were wall watching it at the Lunt's house with Marissa, Katherine, and Aunt Renata. It was fun to all be together when we watched it and have a little mini Lost partay.
Anyway my Wednesday nights will now be empty and I'm still really sad about what happened. I've cried 3 times that I can remember when watching Lost...when Vincent (a dog) got separated from Walt (little boy who owned him) on the raft. This sounds pitiful but it was SUPER sad. When Charlie died...that was the worst. I was actually sobbing. He was my favorite and he sacrificed himself. Then last night when Juliet was getting pulled into the magnetic well thingy. Sawyer was all "where do you think you're going Blondie?!" He grabbed her hand and was trying to pull her up and kept saying "don't you leave me, don't you let go." She had a chain wrapped around her that was pulling her down and couldn't hold on. She kept saying "I love you James, I love you so much." Then she let go and Sawyer started crying..then I started crying. Sad. Sad. Sad. My apologies to those who don't watch Lost...you're probably like what the heck...who the heck...magnetic well thingy? You should probably have started watching Lost years ago because you have NO idea what you're missing!
This weekend is prom and I'm going to go hang out with Kaitlin while she's getting all dolled up by Marissa and Katherine. I don't have any skills to offer except maybe painting her toenails? haha. I can't believe it's already been a year since Brad and I went...crazy, crazy. I miss it. Then we're going to Grand March and maybe playing tennis if it's nice. On Sunday we have a family get together for May birthdays- hope the weather is nice so we can all play some wuffle ball!
This is odd. I haven't blogged in a while and all I'm thinking about is Lost. I'll come back and blog when I have something else to say that everyone can relate too. Until then- Stay LOST everyone :)
Josh, Shanon, Adriana, Ashley, Brad, and me were wall watching it at the Lunt's house with Marissa, Katherine, and Aunt Renata. It was fun to all be together when we watched it and have a little mini Lost partay.
Anyway my Wednesday nights will now be empty and I'm still really sad about what happened. I've cried 3 times that I can remember when watching Lost...when Vincent (a dog) got separated from Walt (little boy who owned him) on the raft. This sounds pitiful but it was SUPER sad. When Charlie died...that was the worst. I was actually sobbing. He was my favorite and he sacrificed himself. Then last night when Juliet was getting pulled into the magnetic well thingy. Sawyer was all "where do you think you're going Blondie?!" He grabbed her hand and was trying to pull her up and kept saying "don't you leave me, don't you let go." She had a chain wrapped around her that was pulling her down and couldn't hold on. She kept saying "I love you James, I love you so much." Then she let go and Sawyer started crying..then I started crying. Sad. Sad. Sad. My apologies to those who don't watch Lost...you're probably like what the heck...who the heck...magnetic well thingy? You should probably have started watching Lost years ago because you have NO idea what you're missing!
This weekend is prom and I'm going to go hang out with Kaitlin while she's getting all dolled up by Marissa and Katherine. I don't have any skills to offer except maybe painting her toenails? haha. I can't believe it's already been a year since Brad and I went...crazy, crazy. I miss it. Then we're going to Grand March and maybe playing tennis if it's nice. On Sunday we have a family get together for May birthdays- hope the weather is nice so we can all play some wuffle ball!
This is odd. I haven't blogged in a while and all I'm thinking about is Lost. I'll come back and blog when I have something else to say that everyone can relate too. Until then- Stay LOST everyone :)
Friday, April 3, 2009

This morning at 10am Taylor Swift tickets went on sale for Columbus. I was there and ready at 10am. At 10:01 we were able to get them. Floor seats were all unavailable, lower level seats were all unavailable, and finally I got us tickets in the terrace level. We will be sitting almost the furthest away from the stage. In a matter of minutes the tickets were sold out! Seriously? I'm thinking "no way...some people must have somehow gotten them early." Sure enough, if you are signed up for her e-mail list thing, you get first dibs on hot seats before anyone else. I'll punch a girl. (Just kidding) But I was not happy. It will still be great.
You know those stupid code things that you have to type in order to post something or advance to whatever else you are doing online? It will be like TYPE THIS CODE: b4nana PajAMa except it will be all distorted and splattered. Seriously? I HATE THOSE! Sometimes I can't figure out what the letters are and I keep having to do them over and over. They suck! Especially when I am trying to hurry up and purchase concert tickets...
I could eat cereal for every meal. When I was younger I wanted to own my very own cereal buffet. Seriously. Think about it.
Last night I played hide-n-seek in the dark at Travis' old house, which is like a jump, skip, and a hop away from my house out in the country. It's empty now and has no electricity. There are trees all around it. It was SO freaky. Seriously. We all had a lot of fun.
Well, me mum is home and now we are going to Mansfield for some shopping and to see Bride Wars while dad has band practice. This random/annoying blog really helped me kill some time ;)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring Quarter
I really had a great spring break. We played a lot of tennis, went to the Y, BW3's, went out to eat, saw Monsters vs. Aliens, went laser tagging, and had some family gatherings in between. Dad turned 50 and my Aunt Cindy came down for his surprise party! She is always the life of the party and is the very reason why I play tennis. I love her!
'Spring' quarter started yesterday and it snowed Sunday night. These are both things that fall under my list of things I don't like: school and snow in the springtime. Things weren't looking so good.
Then I get to Eng201 and the teacher is unpleasant. (I don't know what to call teachers in college..instructors, professors..) Her name is Patricia Herb and you never know what these people are going to be like until you go to class. I don't want to be mean, but there is a skit on SNL or Mad TV and there is a person named 'Pat' and no one knows if it's a guy or girl. She was pretty masculine, but that isn't the point. I decided to switch teachers because she was so strict and just not fun. I know that there will be times when I'm just going to have to deal with it, but not if I can change it. Now I am taking the same class with a nice lady, Deborah Hysell, who is funny and pleasant. Most of us had the wrong text book because the book store told us the wrong one and someone said "we'll never get the books now..they never get things in on time" Deb was like "yes we will because I am bitchy!" It was hilarious and unexpected, yet comforting at the same time. It's actually going to be taught 'hybrid' online though. This means open book tests ;)
So now my first class will be Math103 where I will spend 3-4 hours every Monday and Wednesday sitting at a computer trying to quickly get through it and finish early. I HATE math with a burning passion. There is a guy in there who thinks it's fun to always make comments when you come and go..but you have to pretend laugh to make him feel good. Also, he is bad with personal boundaries at times too. One time he was helping me and was like rubbing my back. Not to mention the same 5 songs are quietly played in the background over and over and over again. I like to do schoolwork in peace and quiet and not be annoyed with bad country or a perverted man. To add another complaint to the fire, I'm a recovering germ freak. These computers have mysterious gook and grime on the keys and mouse..I always carry Germ-X and actually have wipes that I would use before I got on the computers, but I don't want to look like the germ freak I am. This was always on my list of reasons I have always disliked school, right next to it smells bad. I know what you're thinking, 'must this girl complain about everything.' The answer is yes, but mostly just on here so that I can vent.
I did run into Travis Hayes though! I was just walking down the hall and noticed that someone sitting around the corner had the same shoes as him. Sure enough, it was him. It makes me happy to run into people at school that I went to high school with. Especially Travis because we still hang out and talk all the time.
After math I walk to the other side of the campus for Speech with Phil Martin. He could really use some of the masculinity Pat had and he could give her some feminine tips. He is quite a character. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Stewart Saves His Family" but he is a lot like him mixed with Jim Ford from church, mixed with David Bromstad from Color Splash on HGTV. Do you ever do that? You meet someone new and then you just think of other people you know that they remind you of. I hate speech almost as much as I hate math. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully Mrs. Lingenfelter prepared me well enough. I enjoy writing the speeches, but not delivering them. Americans fear public speaking more than death! Jason Artrip is in there with me, but I was actually hoping that no one I knew would be in there...haha.
Then I have another online class, Microsoft Word...haha! People my age have been using it since we were in 5th or 6th grade. It's needed for practically any degree and this is my last quarter that I can just do general classes. I don't know what I want to do and it seems like everyone else has their major and are in the zone. I'm envious of these people. I'm also really tired of people going through a list of careers and asking me "how about this, this, this or this, are you into this?" If I knew we wouldn't be having the conversation. Go read the "My shit is a mess" post for more on that. Plus, will an associates degree really do me any good? On the news they said that people with bachelors are even having a tough time out there. They said the best thing is to go to a technical school for all out experience. With my associates, I may be able to afford a cardboard box to live in, so that's something to look forward too.
By the way...I don't have anything against masculine women or feminine guys. Just throwing that out there. I wish I was more feminine, but I can't even control eyeliner when it's in my hand. I also just shouldn't be judging them. SIGH, I do that sometimes in my head- judge people. Bad, bad, bad! Also, I don't think I believe in gay marriage. I think my brother Brandon came up with this idea one time: "Feminine men should just date/marry a masculine woman." If you think about it, it does make sense! As they say though, 'you can't help who you love.' Plus, I love Ellen...her show will brighten your day.
'Spring' quarter started yesterday and it snowed Sunday night. These are both things that fall under my list of things I don't like: school and snow in the springtime. Things weren't looking so good.
Then I get to Eng201 and the teacher is unpleasant. (I don't know what to call teachers in college..instructors, professors..) Her name is Patricia Herb and you never know what these people are going to be like until you go to class. I don't want to be mean, but there is a skit on SNL or Mad TV and there is a person named 'Pat' and no one knows if it's a guy or girl. She was pretty masculine, but that isn't the point. I decided to switch teachers because she was so strict and just not fun. I know that there will be times when I'm just going to have to deal with it, but not if I can change it. Now I am taking the same class with a nice lady, Deborah Hysell, who is funny and pleasant. Most of us had the wrong text book because the book store told us the wrong one and someone said "we'll never get the books now..they never get things in on time" Deb was like "yes we will because I am bitchy!" It was hilarious and unexpected, yet comforting at the same time. It's actually going to be taught 'hybrid' online though. This means open book tests ;)
So now my first class will be Math103 where I will spend 3-4 hours every Monday and Wednesday sitting at a computer trying to quickly get through it and finish early. I HATE math with a burning passion. There is a guy in there who thinks it's fun to always make comments when you come and go..but you have to pretend laugh to make him feel good. Also, he is bad with personal boundaries at times too. One time he was helping me and was like rubbing my back. Not to mention the same 5 songs are quietly played in the background over and over and over again. I like to do schoolwork in peace and quiet and not be annoyed with bad country or a perverted man. To add another complaint to the fire, I'm a recovering germ freak. These computers have mysterious gook and grime on the keys and mouse..I always carry Germ-X and actually have wipes that I would use before I got on the computers, but I don't want to look like the germ freak I am. This was always on my list of reasons I have always disliked school, right next to it smells bad. I know what you're thinking, 'must this girl complain about everything.' The answer is yes, but mostly just on here so that I can vent.
I did run into Travis Hayes though! I was just walking down the hall and noticed that someone sitting around the corner had the same shoes as him. Sure enough, it was him. It makes me happy to run into people at school that I went to high school with. Especially Travis because we still hang out and talk all the time.
After math I walk to the other side of the campus for Speech with Phil Martin. He could really use some of the masculinity Pat had and he could give her some feminine tips. He is quite a character. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Stewart Saves His Family" but he is a lot like him mixed with Jim Ford from church, mixed with David Bromstad from Color Splash on HGTV. Do you ever do that? You meet someone new and then you just think of other people you know that they remind you of. I hate speech almost as much as I hate math. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully Mrs. Lingenfelter prepared me well enough. I enjoy writing the speeches, but not delivering them. Americans fear public speaking more than death! Jason Artrip is in there with me, but I was actually hoping that no one I knew would be in there...haha.
Then I have another online class, Microsoft Word...haha! People my age have been using it since we were in 5th or 6th grade. It's needed for practically any degree and this is my last quarter that I can just do general classes. I don't know what I want to do and it seems like everyone else has their major and are in the zone. I'm envious of these people. I'm also really tired of people going through a list of careers and asking me "how about this, this, this or this, are you into this?" If I knew we wouldn't be having the conversation. Go read the "My shit is a mess" post for more on that. Plus, will an associates degree really do me any good? On the news they said that people with bachelors are even having a tough time out there. They said the best thing is to go to a technical school for all out experience. With my associates, I may be able to afford a cardboard box to live in, so that's something to look forward too.
By the way...I don't have anything against masculine women or feminine guys. Just throwing that out there. I wish I was more feminine, but I can't even control eyeliner when it's in my hand. I also just shouldn't be judging them. SIGH, I do that sometimes in my head- judge people. Bad, bad, bad! Also, I don't think I believe in gay marriage. I think my brother Brandon came up with this idea one time: "Feminine men should just date/marry a masculine woman." If you think about it, it does make sense! As they say though, 'you can't help who you love.' Plus, I love Ellen...her show will brighten your day.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Love at first spit wad
"Miss You"
[Brad's part]
Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare
the shadow in the background of the morgue
the unsuspecting victim
like darkness in the valley
we can live like Jack and Sally
if you want
Where you can always find me
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas
and in the night we'll wish this never ends
we'll wish this never ends
I miss you, miss you
[My part]
[Brad's part]
Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare
the shadow in the background of the morgue
the unsuspecting victim
like darkness in the valley
we can live like Jack and Sally
if you want
Where you can always find me
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas
and in the night we'll wish this never ends
we'll wish this never ends
I miss you, miss you
[My part]
Where are you?
and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
this sick, strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting every time
and as I stared I counted, the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
stop this pain tonight..
Don't waste your time on me
you're already the voice inside my head
I miss you, miss you
and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
this sick, strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting every time
and as I stared I counted, the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
stop this pain tonight..
Don't waste your time on me
you're already the voice inside my head
I miss you, miss you
So, this is NOT a very pretty song if you read some of the words, but it became our song in 2004 when we started dating. We use to sing it on the phone to each other all the time and we still sing it sometimes. Today is our 5 year anniversary. Brad had to work all weekend though, so we are going out this Friday.
We became friends in 6th grade, but we never liked each other before then. I thought he was just a stupid attention seeking boy and he thought that I believed I was above him because there was a school named after me. (my great grandpa) haha. He was constantly getting into trouble by Ms. Mikus and a lot of the time it was because of things he was doing to me. For example, he would 'gleek' on me with his spit, spit spit wads in my hair, make a 'snow storm' by rubbing his hair really fast making his hair gel just flake all over my desk, one time he even pushed me into Ms. Mikus when I was talking to her..."Brad, out in the hall!" We'd play basketball at recess together all the time, when he didn't have a noon room. Sometimes I would take 'voluntary noon rooms' to hang out with him in the library. My mom would record our school programs and sure enough you'll see Brad behind me messing up my hair for every hand gesture we had to do. with a big grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I have to bust out bits and pieces from the old diary a bit for this blog because it's all Brad and the beginning of our friendship. Apparently I knew everything at 12 and 13..
February 11, 2002
My boyfriend is Brad Young since January 18, Fri. at 1:18 in the hallway going to the 5th grade spelling bee. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever want in my opinion. Brad carries my lunch tray, brings me my coat, lets me play basketball with him, gives me his booster tickets. I always tell him "I will still like you if you don't do these things for me" but he says he likes to for some reason. When I try to take his tray or give him booster tickets he will say "that's not lady like." My friends keep telling me to brake up with him just because he is a class clown.
February 19, 2002
Yesterday was Brad and mine 1 month Anaversery. My friends are mad at me because I play basketball with Brad instead of playing with them, but I don't care. He is so sweet. I would rather have Brad a nice funny, caring, cute boy than any popular boy. That's how much I love him.
March 3, 2002
I keep thinking about telling Brad I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">March ?, 2002
Bad news is I had to brake up with Brad, that was hard. But I'm glad I did once Zach Efaw told me Brad was going to stay with me till Easter to get his gift. Bad excuse, he told me only to get him a card and he'd get me one. I don't think he would wait for a card. He likes Jessica Hoover. He hurt me, but I'll live. I will admit I am jealous of Jessica. He started out as a great boyfriend, but ended up being a jerk! He's telling everyone he broke up with me. Lie, Lie, Lie, use, use, use, he's no good and I thought he was sweet. I think I still have feelings for him, just a little. Today he forgot and walked towards me and turned back around. Now we don't even talk to eachother at all. I want to be friends atleast. Everything I look at at school reminds me of him and even when I got home and saw Zelda, our favorite video game. I cried. Bye Brad the best boyfriend I'll ever have with the saddest ending. (Wow, I'm dramatic)
July 20, 2002
Today I might play b-ball with Brad. He's moving to Cleveland with his dad to have a fresh start. I will tell him good luck and what a good friend he's been to me. I'll miss him. 7th grade won't be the same without him.
August 9, 2002
I played b-ball with Brad, it was fun. He let me win twice. Afterwards I wanted to buy him something at the dairy, but he said no. Then he walked me to the Lunts. I tolled him he didn't have to but who can tell Brad not to do something. I like him again even though I tried not too. It's imposible not to though. I had a dream that I kissed him. If I were older I would, but I'm only 12. I called him yesterday and we talked for 3 hours. He likes me! I know I'm only 12, but I know what love is and when I heard he liked me my like turned into love. (...pahahaha)
I was talking to Brad on aol and I told him I thought he had 3 personalities. He said I was right and asked what they were. I told him you have the one at your dads which is all an act, the one here which is conseded, and I think the third one is the real you. Nice, caring, funny, outgoing, listens, and gives good advice. Then he said yeah but I'm not like that much. Have you ever seen me like that? I told him once or twice but I liked that side of him. He asked me if he should start being himself. I told him it was up to him, but I like that side and if thats who he was be it. He said thanks for the advice :) We have alot of respect for eachother nowdays. Its cool.
Oh my..my entire diary is full of Brad stories. It goes on and on back and forth between "I love Brad" "Once again he proved to be a jerk!" "He's a great friend"
He's been my friend since we were 12 years old and now he's my best friend. We've been through so much together. Something I've learned is that relationships are really hard sometimes and things happen that cause a lot of heartache. We have a lot of respect for eachother and that's how it always should be. He's grown up a lot in these 5 years and so have I, but there is always room for improvement. That 12 year old ornery boy that carried my tray, now opens the car door for me. I could talk forever about memories and stories, but I think I've already said too much. haha.
Bottom line-Every girl deserves a gentleman.
We became friends in 6th grade, but we never liked each other before then. I thought he was just a stupid attention seeking boy and he thought that I believed I was above him because there was a school named after me. (my great grandpa) haha. He was constantly getting into trouble by Ms. Mikus and a lot of the time it was because of things he was doing to me. For example, he would 'gleek' on me with his spit, spit spit wads in my hair, make a 'snow storm' by rubbing his hair really fast making his hair gel just flake all over my desk, one time he even pushed me into Ms. Mikus when I was talking to her..."Brad, out in the hall!" We'd play basketball at recess together all the time, when he didn't have a noon room. Sometimes I would take 'voluntary noon rooms' to hang out with him in the library. My mom would record our school programs and sure enough you'll see Brad behind me messing up my hair for every hand gesture we had to do. with a big grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I have to bust out bits and pieces from the old diary a bit for this blog because it's all Brad and the beginning of our friendship. Apparently I knew everything at 12 and 13..
February 11, 2002
My boyfriend is Brad Young since January 18, Fri. at 1:18 in the hallway going to the 5th grade spelling bee. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever want in my opinion. Brad carries my lunch tray, brings me my coat, lets me play basketball with him, gives me his booster tickets. I always tell him "I will still like you if you don't do these things for me" but he says he likes to for some reason. When I try to take his tray or give him booster tickets he will say "that's not lady like." My friends keep telling me to brake up with him just because he is a class clown.
February 19, 2002
Yesterday was Brad and mine 1 month Anaversery. My friends are mad at me because I play basketball with Brad instead of playing with them, but I don't care. He is so sweet. I would rather have Brad a nice funny, caring, cute boy than any popular boy. That's how much I love him.
March 3, 2002
I keep thinking about telling Brad I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">March ?, 2002
Bad news is I had to brake up with Brad, that was hard. But I'm glad I did once Zach Efaw told me Brad was going to stay with me till Easter to get his gift. Bad excuse, he told me only to get him a card and he'd get me one. I don't think he would wait for a card. He likes Jessica Hoover. He hurt me, but I'll live. I will admit I am jealous of Jessica. He started out as a great boyfriend, but ended up being a jerk! He's telling everyone he broke up with me. Lie, Lie, Lie, use, use, use, he's no good and I thought he was sweet. I think I still have feelings for him, just a little. Today he forgot and walked towards me and turned back around. Now we don't even talk to eachother at all. I want to be friends atleast. Everything I look at at school reminds me of him and even when I got home and saw Zelda, our favorite video game. I cried. Bye Brad the best boyfriend I'll ever have with the saddest ending. (Wow, I'm dramatic)
July 20, 2002
Today I might play b-ball with Brad. He's moving to Cleveland with his dad to have a fresh start. I will tell him good luck and what a good friend he's been to me. I'll miss him. 7th grade won't be the same without him.
August 9, 2002
I played b-ball with Brad, it was fun. He let me win twice. Afterwards I wanted to buy him something at the dairy, but he said no. Then he walked me to the Lunts. I tolled him he didn't have to but who can tell Brad not to do something. I like him again even though I tried not too. It's imposible not to though. I had a dream that I kissed him. If I were older I would, but I'm only 12. I called him yesterday and we talked for 3 hours. He likes me! I know I'm only 12, but I know what love is and when I heard he liked me my like turned into love. (...pahahaha)
I was talking to Brad on aol and I told him I thought he had 3 personalities. He said I was right and asked what they were. I told him you have the one at your dads which is all an act, the one here which is conseded, and I think the third one is the real you. Nice, caring, funny, outgoing, listens, and gives good advice. Then he said yeah but I'm not like that much. Have you ever seen me like that? I told him once or twice but I liked that side of him. He asked me if he should start being himself. I told him it was up to him, but I like that side and if thats who he was be it. He said thanks for the advice :) We have alot of respect for eachother nowdays. Its cool.
Oh my..my entire diary is full of Brad stories. It goes on and on back and forth between "I love Brad" "Once again he proved to be a jerk!" "He's a great friend"
He's been my friend since we were 12 years old and now he's my best friend. We've been through so much together. Something I've learned is that relationships are really hard sometimes and things happen that cause a lot of heartache. We have a lot of respect for eachother and that's how it always should be. He's grown up a lot in these 5 years and so have I, but there is always room for improvement. That 12 year old ornery boy that carried my tray, now opens the car door for me. I could talk forever about memories and stories, but I think I've already said too much. haha.
Bottom line-Every girl deserves a gentleman.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Nothing to say
Tomorrow is my last day of winter quarter! Some aspects of my life are looking up! Goodbye winter, hello spring! It is about 68 degrees outside. Earlier I had to write MY LAST essay for Eng114 while listening to the birds chirp and watching the sunshine. It was extremely hard to concentrate. Tomorrow I just have one final and I am done for a week. That week is going to be filled with tennis, jogging, working, more tennis..teaching people to play tennis so I have more people to play with. This weekend Travis, Kurtis, Brad, and I are going to play doubles. I'm really excited. I'm going to be outside almost everyday being active. LOVE IT!
I should probably be studying right now, but instead I'm blogging. I'm just waiting until Brad wakes up so we can, you guessed it, play tennis! Then we're going to my brothers house to watch Lost tonight. It's a tradition. We've been going over there for 3 years now every Wednesday night when Lost is in season.
Kings of Leon - Use Somebody ~I cannot get this song out of my head! I love it :)
Brad and I don't hang out nearly as much as we used to lately. Things keep coming up. The car he bought needed a new clutch so he took it to a guy that someone recommended from work. The guy not only ruined Brad's car, but he also took parts from it. It was supposed to be done the first day he took it, but 2 days later the guy wasn't answering Brad's calls. So he just showed up and a bunch of guys were sitting around his car drinking. When they saw him they all kind of got frantic and the guy said 'it'll be done in 40 minutes.' It wouldn't even start...He already paid him the $125 and only got $30 back because they guy totally went immediately and bought drugs. Then he has the nerve to say "thanks a lot, I fixed your clutch for $90.." What a dead beat! Brad is taking him to the small claims court or something like that. A mechanic is going to check his car out and give an estimate on how much all the damage is going to cost. The lady who sold Brad the car agreed to testify that the car was fine before. They have pictures and everything. Then people were saying that this 'mechanic' was going to be outside waiting for Brad to get off work so he could fight him. haha. WHAT A MESS! Did I mention that Brad's car before this one caught on fire?! Yeah..he has the worst luck ever.
I wish I had something exciting to talk about, but I don't.
K, bye.
I should probably be studying right now, but instead I'm blogging. I'm just waiting until Brad wakes up so we can, you guessed it, play tennis! Then we're going to my brothers house to watch Lost tonight. It's a tradition. We've been going over there for 3 years now every Wednesday night when Lost is in season.
Kings of Leon - Use Somebody ~I cannot get this song out of my head! I love it :)
Brad and I don't hang out nearly as much as we used to lately. Things keep coming up. The car he bought needed a new clutch so he took it to a guy that someone recommended from work. The guy not only ruined Brad's car, but he also took parts from it. It was supposed to be done the first day he took it, but 2 days later the guy wasn't answering Brad's calls. So he just showed up and a bunch of guys were sitting around his car drinking. When they saw him they all kind of got frantic and the guy said 'it'll be done in 40 minutes.' It wouldn't even start...He already paid him the $125 and only got $30 back because they guy totally went immediately and bought drugs. Then he has the nerve to say "thanks a lot, I fixed your clutch for $90.." What a dead beat! Brad is taking him to the small claims court or something like that. A mechanic is going to check his car out and give an estimate on how much all the damage is going to cost. The lady who sold Brad the car agreed to testify that the car was fine before. They have pictures and everything. Then people were saying that this 'mechanic' was going to be outside waiting for Brad to get off work so he could fight him. haha. WHAT A MESS! Did I mention that Brad's car before this one caught on fire?! Yeah..he has the worst luck ever.
I wish I had something exciting to talk about, but I don't.
K, bye.
Sunday, March 8, 2009

April 16, 2003
"Yesterday was the bomb! We went to see Avril Lavigne in concert (coolest rock singer in my time, just for when I'm older to remember) Our seets were on the floor, well like standing. First there was this stupid band called GOB. They were horrible!! Then Simple Plan, they rock just not as much as Avril. Then after like 2 hours she came out...TRY TO SHUT ME UP TOUR...It started with Sk8er Boi and we were all jumpin', it was great! I sang all her songs beginning to the end. She's my hero! Sorry Elvis, but your daughter is a B****! Ne way so two guys got in a fight and they were like cussing. Then there was this girl that really looked like Avril beside us, it was sweet!! I'll like never forget this concert!!! I have the best parents in the world and I will love them till the end of the universe!!!"
I still remember that concert like it was yesterday. I am just as excited now as I was at 13! As I'm writing this I'm blaring Taylor Swift's cd and singing along. I have 4 months to learn every single word to every single song on her first album and this album. Piece of cheesecake. I love them all!
Taylor has totally taken Avril's spot as my fav female singer. Avril's 3rd cd, although I bought it, is just not good. It's like she's getting older, but singing songs that are for bratty 12 year olds that are growing up to fast. This is just my own opinion. Plus, she isn't as good of a role model for younger girls nowadays.
After we go to this concert, I'm totally blogging about every detail. I haven't written in my old diary since October 2003 or any journal for that matter. I think having a journal is a really good idea. It's hilarious to look back and also therapeutic at times. My mom gave me my diary in 2002; "To my beautiful daughter with love from mom- For all your thoughts and dreams" I love writing, but it's so much faster to type =)
Totally getting a cute pair of cowgirl boots for the concert! I cannot wait! AAAAAHHHH
I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying to let you know
That what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying to let you know
That what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I realize that it is just the beginning of March and we will see snow again...but this breath of spring is wonderful! Where has it been all my life?!
A few days ago Brad and I played tennis for the first time in '09.It was chilly, but we had to play at least 1 game. By the time we finished my little elf ears were freezing and I couldn't feel my left hand. Then we played 2 games yesterday after having a picnic lunch! We took a walk and even did a little jogging. (I'm super sore) I love spring!Today is just as beautiful. That's all I want to do now. Be outside.
What else is new...I saw Changeling. I don't really like Angelina Jolie as a person, but it was a pretty good movie. Okay, I don't even know her, but I'm just judging her on one thing: going after a married man and stealing Brad from Jen. Not only has it changed the way I view Brad Pitt, but now I just think she is slutty. Anyways I had to cover my eyes and plug my ears a couple of times (because I'm 10) There were parts that were really disturbing. It was based on a true story. This women went through so much and is so strong. I wish they had more background to the real story in the special features, but of course not. All they had was commentary and the making of the movie. C'mon. I'll give the movie a 8 out of 10 though. Not that this matters, my family just always rates movies after we watch them.
In other random news/thoughts; I've been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift lately, more like constantly. I rearranged my room again, but am still not pleased with it. I'm thinking about doing something with my hair, but I want to keep growing it out so I don't know. Our internet is being difficult and won't post this blog which makes me feel the need to complain...it wouldn't be as big of a deal if I didn't have online classes. I've called them 3 times in 2 days and keep getting "we'll come check it out." I haven't seen them. Everyone is getting laid off and it's terrible. Police officers and firefighters are getting big cuts too and I think that it's crazy. They only save lives...no big deal. Lucy crapped in the basement for the 3rd time...anyone want a dog? Brad got a car. It's a 1992 standard Ford Escort GT. It's a pretty color. He took us for a spin yesterday and is very proud. I'm still skeptical because it's small and doesn't seem very safe, but other than that I'm happy I don't have to drive all the time.
I'm not sure why I wrote this random boring blog. I'm just giddy about this weather!
I'm walkin' on sunshine...WHOA...and don't it feel good!
A few days ago Brad and I played tennis for the first time in '09.It was chilly, but we had to play at least 1 game. By the time we finished my little elf ears were freezing and I couldn't feel my left hand. Then we played 2 games yesterday after having a picnic lunch! We took a walk and even did a little jogging. (I'm super sore) I love spring!Today is just as beautiful. That's all I want to do now. Be outside.
What else is new...I saw Changeling. I don't really like Angelina Jolie as a person, but it was a pretty good movie. Okay, I don't even know her, but I'm just judging her on one thing: going after a married man and stealing Brad from Jen. Not only has it changed the way I view Brad Pitt, but now I just think she is slutty. Anyways I had to cover my eyes and plug my ears a couple of times (because I'm 10) There were parts that were really disturbing. It was based on a true story. This women went through so much and is so strong. I wish they had more background to the real story in the special features, but of course not. All they had was commentary and the making of the movie. C'mon. I'll give the movie a 8 out of 10 though. Not that this matters, my family just always rates movies after we watch them.
In other random news/thoughts; I've been listening to a lot of Taylor Swift lately, more like constantly. I rearranged my room again, but am still not pleased with it. I'm thinking about doing something with my hair, but I want to keep growing it out so I don't know. Our internet is being difficult and won't post this blog which makes me feel the need to complain...it wouldn't be as big of a deal if I didn't have online classes. I've called them 3 times in 2 days and keep getting "we'll come check it out." I haven't seen them. Everyone is getting laid off and it's terrible. Police officers and firefighters are getting big cuts too and I think that it's crazy. They only save lives...no big deal. Lucy crapped in the basement for the 3rd time...anyone want a dog? Brad got a car. It's a 1992 standard Ford Escort GT. It's a pretty color. He took us for a spin yesterday and is very proud. I'm still skeptical because it's small and doesn't seem very safe, but other than that I'm happy I don't have to drive all the time.
I'm not sure why I wrote this random boring blog. I'm just giddy about this weather!
I'm walkin' on sunshine...WHOA...and don't it feel good!
Monday, March 2, 2009

The residents at work were very honest and hilarious as always. When my mom asked, Genie didn't even hesitate and decided on "16" (she knows I drive) Alta shouted "10!" (she's silly) and Bob decided "14." I know I look younger than nineteen, but when you are young it isn't as flattering as when you're old and people say you don't look it. See what I'm saying? This could be very good news though. Maybe when I'm a 50 year old woman, I'll be looking 40. Anyway, I believe you're only as old as you feel. I'm totally playing tennis until I'm unable to swing a racket. As for now, perhaps if I wore more make-up and had a shapely body maybe I would look my age? Ooooh well. It doesn't bother me too much. Well, the lack of a shapely body kinda does. It makes me feel even more less of a woman. Why are women so hard on themselves. Am I still talking?
Moving on.
I had a great birthday! I spent most of the day with Bradly until he had to work. He had me open presents right away. (If you're reading this, chances are you saw pictures on FB) His mom got me a card that plays "I like to move it, move it" and a gift card from Wal-Mart. She also called me and sang 'Happy Birthday' on the phone! That was really awesome. Brad got me a new mirror for my room since my Aunt Cindy's dog, Gracie, knocked it over when I let her and Uncle Lou stay in my room for Christmas. It was no big deal, but I definitely needed one and I'm glad Brad thought of it. He also got me the movies Devil Wears Prada and Music and Lyrics. We both like to exercise, so he got me some special exercise shorts and wrist/ankle weights. He made me a card, but decided not to give it to me because he said "it was terrible." I love making people cards and doing crafts, but Brad thinks it's 'gay' for guys to do that. Then we ordered a large , hand tossed, chicken alfredo pizza from East of Chicago. I can smell it now...heavenly. It was a very nice afternoon and he, as always, was very sweet.
After I left Brad's I met my parents at work. We decided to eat at Ryan's (the rolls alone are enough to get me there) and planned to go shopping so that I could get some clothes or something. By the time we ate and got groceries it was 8:30 and Lost starts at 9. I was not about to miss it for the first time in my life. What a privledge to share my birthday with Lost! Five minutes into the show my godfather called...which don't get me wrong was very nice...but I totally missed 5 minutes of the show. I didn't particulary enjoy the episode anyway. My only comfort was the surprise cheesecake my mom made at work for me and the residents.
Saturday Brad and I went out for lunch and to see a movie with Marissa and Katherine. First we went to Wal-Mart to buy cheaper candy to sneak in. (Who doesn't?!) Then we watched Confessions of a Shopoholic. Brad was very excited about this. (NOT, his turn to choose next time..hooray for weird Sci-Fi movies..) I thought it was cute. One part in particular was hilarious. You'll just have to see it. We ate at Applebees afterward. It was mm mm good. Then Brad told the waitor it was my birthday so I got some helium baloons around my wrist. I have a little car, so it was a challenge to say the least. haha. Always a good time with M&K. Then Brad and I went to Cody and Ashley's house so that I could kick their butts in Peanuts. (I get last each and every time)
Then yesterday there was a baby shower for my cousin Lauren. There was a good turnout and everything was very nice. After that we had a family get together at our house for my birthday. As soon as I got home my dad said "you should go upstairs." I was thinking 'what did Brad do now?' (17th he decorated my room, 18th he decorated our entire living room, kitchen, and stairway while we were all sleeping) I went upstairs slowly, looking around to make sure no one was going to jump out at me. I get into my room and it looks like there was a person under my covers. I was like who is this?? Then I pull back the covers to find.........19 beautifully wrapped presents with a card on top for Baloo. My mouth dropped. I almost cried a couple times. I had no idea. Each and every gift was thought out and so perfect. Yes, it was the work of Monkey and Kat, my sistas from another motha who happens to be my Aunt who happens to be my second mom. They told me they got me Charlie for my birthday and they weren't lying. Two amazing gals right there.
Everyone made it except for Shanon and Adriana because they were both sick =( Again, there are pictures on my FB. I love my family and we always have a great time. Mom made up a couples game. The first thing we had to do was each think of a question. For example: Who would your significant other say was the most inspirational to them? What is their favorite past time? If they could travel with you anywhere in the world, where would they want to go? You get the idea. Then we would take turns answering. The girls would all answer what they thought and then the guys would have to guess which one they said and vice-versa. It was a good time. Everyone matched every single question except for mom&dad and Jason&Toni I think. Before that, Cody bought firework stuff in North Carolina so we went outside to launch them. It was FREEZING, but fun to see Cody so excited. I told Cody and Ashley that I wanted seashells for my birthday since they just got back from vacation. MUST have been nice! They picked some pretty ones, that's for sure. Brandon and Lisa made me a card that said "For your birthday we wanted to get you a gag gift...but you already have Brad!" HAHA. It even had a silly picture of him. They also got me 2 really awesome t-shirts from Aero. (I'm hard to shop for, but they got it right on)
I'd have to say that the best gift I got was being with everyone I care about the most. LOVE LOVE LOVE =)
Note to self: don't neglect blogging or else you will punish everyone with the longest blog ever.
Monday, February 23, 2009
36 things and counting
You know how back in the olden days women were the homemakers and the men went to work to provide for his family? Those days are long gone. In today's economy that's barely possible anymore even though some families are still like that. Women stepped up years ago so that they, too, could provide for their family and why shouldn't they? Here's my thought of the day: If both husband and wife are working and contributing to the household income, then why does a man think he can just come home, kick up his feet, and watch TV? His wife was at work all day too, but she is still on the go cooking dinner, picking up around the house, and helping the kids with homework.
Here's an old quote for ya.
"A man works from dusk til' dawn, but a woman's work is never done"
I'm not saying this about all men, believe me, but what gives for the ones who are like this? Get off your lazy bum. (Women too) You chose to get married, buy a house, and start a family. Now strive in your marriage, take care of your house, and take care of your kids.
On a quick sidenote- I think people give up to easily in marriages. There are certain circumstances where it is absolutely necessary (one is abuse for sure), but others problems could be worked through with some dedication. The top 5 reasons for divorce in this country are money, infidelity, poor communication, change in priorities, and lack of commitment. Sad, sad. I do believe in marriage 100% though. I don't like all this thinking that "we don't need to prove our love with a piece of paper..." Well, this is going to get into moral issues...I'll just say that I don't believe in sex before marriage among other things. Let's not go there, this was supposed to be a "quick sidenote" haha.
ANYWAY, this got me thinking about my future (go fig) and what I need/want in a husband. Here is the list I've made thus far in no particular order:
Here's an old quote for ya.
"A man works from dusk til' dawn, but a woman's work is never done"
I'm not saying this about all men, believe me, but what gives for the ones who are like this? Get off your lazy bum. (Women too) You chose to get married, buy a house, and start a family. Now strive in your marriage, take care of your house, and take care of your kids.
On a quick sidenote- I think people give up to easily in marriages. There are certain circumstances where it is absolutely necessary (one is abuse for sure), but others problems could be worked through with some dedication. The top 5 reasons for divorce in this country are money, infidelity, poor communication, change in priorities, and lack of commitment. Sad, sad. I do believe in marriage 100% though. I don't like all this thinking that "we don't need to prove our love with a piece of paper..." Well, this is going to get into moral issues...I'll just say that I don't believe in sex before marriage among other things. Let's not go there, this was supposed to be a "quick sidenote" haha.
ANYWAY, this got me thinking about my future (go fig) and what I need/want in a husband. Here is the list I've made thus far in no particular order:
- Honest
- Compassionate
- Affectionate
- Ambitious
- Gentleman
- Giving
- Thoughtful
- Hilarious
- Helpful
- Strong
- Handy
- Romantic
- Good listener
- Good father
- Patient
- Supportive
- Fun
- Good morals
- Believes in God
- Likes dogs
- Plays tennis with me :)
- Sticks up for me
- Takes care of me when I'm sick
- Believes in an egalitarian marriage
- Isn't afraid to show his emotions
- Cuddles
- Handsome
- Puts the toilet seat down
- Responsible
- Respectful
- Problem solver
- Owns up to his mistakes
- Remembers important dates
- Talks just as well has he listens
- He's my best friend
- He shows me that he loves me everyday
Okay, so this list is a good size and I know that no one is perfect. There are things on this list that are a must, while others are just silly and not nearly as important. I think every gal should do this. I'll probably think of more, but this is all for now. Am I being demanding and unrealistic? Maybe, but I don't know. I want my husband to try to be the best version of himself that he can be. All I'm asking for is that he tries. As far as that goes, I'm still working on myself and I know I have a long way to go yet. Also, I'm young and may have no idea what I'm talking about up above. I know marriage and having a family isn't always easy or a happy, walk in the park, skippidy do da time. I'm just thinking outloud...or writing. Whatever.
That's all.
That's all.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I've always been a dog lover

We use to have 3 dogs until last summer. Abbie was our ol' collie mix. She has had arthritis for as long as I can remember. She came to us as a stray when I was just starting Kindergarten. Being 5, I wanted to name her Ariel after The Little Mermaid, of course, but dad decided on Abbie. She had like 12 puppies which made my brothers and I all very happy-until we had to give them all away. Then the same year she was hit by a car. It messed up her bladder really bad, but she was still a happy gal. Last summer we had to put her to sleep because she just quit moving. They say when dogs sense they are going to die, they go away to do it. She was down in the pond when I found her, just laying in the shallow end. I started crying. That dog hated water with all of her being. Giving her a bath was a battle. Mom and I carried her up to the garage, coaxed her, and gave her all of the delicious left over scraps from the fridge that we could find. The next morning she was in the exact same spot unwilling to even try to get up. Dad and I took her to the vet to put her to sleep. We stayed with her and I balled my eyes out the entire time. She was about 15.
Gunner was our Chocolate Labrador. We got him when I was in first grade because our coon dog, Chief died earlier due to old age and we didn't want Abbie to be lonely. We got him from Crestline and I remember dad getting me out of school at lunch time to go get him. He was the biggest, but most timid of the batch. His name was Bubba, but we all decided on Gunner. We took him everywhere. He loved going for rides in the back of the truck. He loved everyone and everyone loved Gun. In the summer, back when we still had our pool, if we left the gate open Gunner would jump in and swim around for a bit. Eventually we taught him how to use the ladder and get out himself haha. I even taught him how to play hide and seek. He was the best. The last time we saw him was a day when Skyrunner was hooking up our internet and a couple of joggers went by. Gunner and Lucy took off with them. Dad called them, but knew they would be back because they often took off exploring. Lucy came back, but Gunner didn't. We looked for him everywhere and made fliers. There were some phone calls, but it was two other female Chocolate Labs. We miss that ol' boy. He was at the age where he had arthritis too and was had a gray beard going on. He was about 11. Dad wished it was Lucy who didn't come back instead of Gunner haha.
Now we just have Lucy and one dog is plenty. My brother's nickname for her is 'Lucifer.' Her day consists of laying around, eating, sniffing through the gargage and occasionally getting into it, barking at the Amish, and standing at the door until we let her inside. She is supposed to stay in her dog bed in the entry way. Every night she tries to be sneaky and creep through the kitchen into the living room to sit by my dad in his chair. (as if we can't see her) Her ultimate goal is to climb up and sit with him. She is NOT a lap dog. The problem is she sheds like none other. When she shakes, thousands of yellow hairs go flying. I sweep everyday. We have to put a bench, a chair, and other misc. things along the bench at night so she doesn't jump over and lay on the couch when we are all sleeping. She's managed to do this anyway on many occasions. She's pretty lonely without Gunner. They were pals. Dad thinks she doesn't care because she is so selfish and now eats all of the food for herself and gets all the dog treats the mail lady throws out the window as she drives by. I think she's lonely though. We don't give her enough attention =(
In the future when I have my own house, I've decided that I would just like one smaller inside dog that doesn't shed a whole lot. I want to rescue one from a shelter. (I've done this before but that's a loooong story. His name was Chance, he was a pit bull/boxer/devil mix. Enough said.) All I know is that dogs make the best pets. Perhaps I'll get a Daschund and name him Lincoln Log, but call him Link for short. Or maybe just name him Charlie. For the longest time I wanted a white Great Dane with black spots all over it and I was going to name him Moo. After I read the book and saw the movie Marley and Me, it made me want a Chocolate Lab again. It made me miss Gunner. Who knows. We don't need another dog now though, Lucy is mean to any other dog that sets foot on our property anyway. She almost killed my Aunt's Daschund, Gracie, because she is equally fat and was attempting to eat Lucy's food. Go figure. I guess I'm just thinking ahead like I always do. I'm big on making plans.
All of this depressing and boring writing came from picking up dog crap. Odd. I could have talked about anything else in the world and I chose dogs. I apologize. I may have just lost my 2 readers. lol.
Hmmmk, byyyye.
Friday, February 20, 2009
"My shit is a mess"
Today is Friday and Fridays are suppose to be awesome. I am already home for the night in my pajamas. The highlights of my night are that A) my dad is making my favorite pasta for supper and B) I bought What Happens in Vegas at Activewares for $5 and plan to watch it later on. (Wild, right?)
I have never felt so lost in my entire life. I ruined this quarter at school because I hated the classes I was taking for my then major, Office Management. I dropped 2 of them and am still in 2 other classes. I don't know what I want to do with my life and its really bothering me. I know I'm still young, but I don't want to waste time or money. I've already wasted money from my college fund because of it. I wish I knew what I was meant to do. Then I could just spend the next 2 years working really hard at getting the degree, get a job, and move on with my life.
When people hear that I don't know what I'm majoring in, I have to say "I don't know, but I'll let you know when I know." Then they ask "Well what are your interests?" As if I myself haven't been thinking everyday what I could possibly see myself doing for the rest of my life. (I know they are just trying to help..) I know what kind of person I want to be, but I do not know what I want to do and I don't know how to know. I've taken interest tests before. My results were something like education, transportation, and public services. I love to be organized and have a lot of patience, but I have no desire to go to school for 4 years, especially to be underpaid. (Good teachers deserve way more than what they get) As for transportation...YEAH I WANT TO BE A TAXI DRIVER! No disrespect to anyone in transportation, but its not for me. As for public services- my first major at NCSC was Criminal Justice. I don't want to be a police woman or anything. (I'm a big chicken and could see myself using pepper spray out of fear when it was truly unecessary) I was thinking more along the lines of a Juvenile Probation Officer because I wanted to have the authority to get kids to school and help them get back on the right track. I also thought I could use it as an opportunity to kind of be a counselor in a sense. The only problem is, I couldn't see myself going house to house experiencing the bad situations kids are in. It's sad and could be scary at times. I'm so blessed to have my family.
What I do know is that I want to be the best person I can be. I want to be a great wife and mother. They say "high school/college years are the best years of your life...you can never get them back." I'm sorry, but if those are supposed to be the best...I just don't believe they are. I believe the happiest days of my life will be when I am married with my own family. To me, that's what the most important part of life is; family.
On top of not having a career path, I don't work a whole lot. I work for my parents at the assisted living they started in town. My name tag says Secretary, but really we all answer the phone when it rings. What I basically do is run errands to the pharmacy, bank, post office, Wal-Mart, and any other place that someone may need something. I'm not actually in the building a whole lot. I'm very glad that I can help out there whenever they need me and I do love it, but in the summer I'll definately be getting a second job as well. I'm also proud of my parents and all their hard work to have accomplished their dreams of creating/owning their own assisted living.
Then there is the fact that I don't really hang out with anyone except for Brad and my family. Don't get me wrong because I LOVE hanging out with my Bradly and family, but when he's at work- like right now- I do nothing. I talk to a handful of people on a regular basis, but I don't hang out with them and that's okay. I'm actually a bore anyway haha. The main problem is that I've always had guy friends. I think I get along with guys better since I grew up with 4 brothers. I've always wished that I had an older sister, but Marissa and Katherine have always kind of been like my older sisters so that's neat. Plus I have a good relationship with my mom. The point is that I can't be hanging out with guy friends when I have a boyfriend because I wouldn't want Brad to go hang out with girls. See what I mean? I don't really have any guy friends anymore anyway though so there was really no point to this entire paragraph.
I don't really know how to wrap this up. I'll just leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, Definitely Maybe, just because I love it!
April: Why couldn't you have told me this when you had your shit together?
Will: My shit is together
April: Your shit is NOT together, your shit is a mess...
Will: My shit is a mess...seems funny coming from you April. I mean you could do anything, anything in the world and you work at a bookstore. At least I can say I tried, I put myself out there and I really tried. As a friend, maybe you should get some help, some life rehab. I don't know if they do that, but if they do you would be a prime candidate.
April: I should go to life rehab?! (Slaps him) Get off my front porch.
Okay, byyyye.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
"Good" morning
I couldn't fall asleep until 2am. Maybe it was because of lingering thoughts about the Lost episode or maybe it was just other things that my mind wouldn't shut off. That happens a lot when I'm laying in bed at night. It's annoying. I REALLY want to fall asleep because when my alarm goes off in the morning I know that all I'm going to be thinking is 'more sleep pleeeease.' I did have some dreams I remember though! Those are sometimes fun. Just as soon as I finally shut my eyes it seemed like it was time to get up...and I'm not the type of person that hits the snooze button or lets their 5 different alarms go off. I wake up to the 'click' sound my alarm makes then I go-go-gadget my arm in lightening speed to turn it off before the horrid nose begins.
Afternoon Kindergarten was such a breeze. Then I hit 1st-7th grade. You did not want to be anywhere near me in the morning. I was quite the brat and I'm not proud of that. I still get teased to this day from all of my brothers and my parents who had to put up with screaming and unpleasant glances as I ate breakfast and tried to get my bangs to stay down. For this, I would like to appologize.
In 8th grade all of my brothers had already graduated and moved out. Things calmed down a bit. There was no Cody to yell at for no apparent reason other than the fact that he breathed.
Don't get me wrong though, I do have some pleasant memories of school mornings. During some of the last days of Cody's senior year I made him cinnamon rolls for breakfast. He always used to help me tie my boots just right. On cold mornings we would stand on the fire place ledge and warm our clothes up before getting on bus 6. Cody usually woke me up for school and sometimes he'd be jumping on my bed saying "no school!" Snowday mornings were always the best. I remember Jason always asking me if he should wear his tennis shoes with his jeans or his AE boots. As if I was some sort of fashion expert. haha. He always looked very well put together when he left. I remeber everyone waking up to Josh's alarm except for Josh. He'd take a shower and then we'd hear BAM! "Josh fell asleep again!" Brandon was always ready with time to spare to watch all of his morning cartoons. The one I remember most is Transformers.
Wow! I just went way off track.
Anyway, back to this morning when my alarm went off- I got a "quick" shower. Quick always turns into 15 minutes of standing in the hot water, with my shower cap on, singing random bits and pieces of songs. Then I got out and went downstairs to go through my other morning routines. Usually I eat breakfast first. Breakfast is seriously the best part of my morning. I LOVE breakfast. That didn't particularly happen this morning because I live in the country and during the winter time...we get mice! There was a dead mouse on the kitchen floor. I lost my appetite and didn't want to eat breakfast in its company.
I plugged in the Chi and started putting on what little amount of make-up I do wear. The mascara brush slipped out of my hand, onto my shirt, and then into the waste basket. SWEET! Atleast the shirt I'm wearing today is navy blue.
I don't know where the time goes in the mornings. I feel like I'm moving at a good pase, but the minute hand is much faster. I really like being on time for things, but in all actuality it doesn't happen. I'm either pulling into the parking lot/drive way on the button or minutes late. It was snowing this morning (grumble) and mom said it would be a good idea to leave early, problem was at that point to be on time I needed to have left 3 minutes earlier. Blah. I have a better attitute in the morning now, but it's I'm also very quite. The best I usually give is a "goodmorning" and then "goodbye, love you too, see you later."
I head to town knowing Brad is still asleep because I've called him several times. We are always schedualed together for the orthodontist. It's 9:05 when I get to his house, but wait, maintenance is being done up and down the avenue. I get around them slowly just to see that they have their vehicles parked at the entrance of Brad's driveway! I can't wake him up and he's not going to wake up on his own. His mom forgot to wake him up before she left. (he's the type of person who doesn't wake up to an alarm AT ALL) I called one more time and then just went by myself arriving at 9:10. TEN MINUTES LATE! The secretary is so sweet and loves Brad and I so it was okay.
Dr. Gregg and his crew of ladies are always friendly. They compliment me on my clean teeth and how great my top teeth are looking without braces. (Of course they are talking to me and asking questions with their fingers in my mouth) My bottom braces aren't coming off until a tooth finishes turning completely around. I never even noticed it was backwards...who cares.
Brad and I were suppose to hang out after our appointment, but that didn't work out as planned. It's okay though because we'll see each other later today. I'm supposed to go to main campus tonight for a comp&lit writing lab. I think I'll pass on that. I have a 100% anyway. (English is the only class I can get an A in)
Bottom line-I just think that if I would have eaten breakfast, the morning would have ran SO much more smoothly. That's all.
Did I mention I have cramps?
Time to enjoy the rest of today and I hope you enjoy it too!
Afternoon Kindergarten was such a breeze. Then I hit 1st-7th grade. You did not want to be anywhere near me in the morning. I was quite the brat and I'm not proud of that. I still get teased to this day from all of my brothers and my parents who had to put up with screaming and unpleasant glances as I ate breakfast and tried to get my bangs to stay down. For this, I would like to appologize.
In 8th grade all of my brothers had already graduated and moved out. Things calmed down a bit. There was no Cody to yell at for no apparent reason other than the fact that he breathed.
Don't get me wrong though, I do have some pleasant memories of school mornings. During some of the last days of Cody's senior year I made him cinnamon rolls for breakfast. He always used to help me tie my boots just right. On cold mornings we would stand on the fire place ledge and warm our clothes up before getting on bus 6. Cody usually woke me up for school and sometimes he'd be jumping on my bed saying "no school!" Snowday mornings were always the best. I remember Jason always asking me if he should wear his tennis shoes with his jeans or his AE boots. As if I was some sort of fashion expert. haha. He always looked very well put together when he left. I remeber everyone waking up to Josh's alarm except for Josh. He'd take a shower and then we'd hear BAM! "Josh fell asleep again!" Brandon was always ready with time to spare to watch all of his morning cartoons. The one I remember most is Transformers.
Wow! I just went way off track.
Anyway, back to this morning when my alarm went off- I got a "quick" shower. Quick always turns into 15 minutes of standing in the hot water, with my shower cap on, singing random bits and pieces of songs. Then I got out and went downstairs to go through my other morning routines. Usually I eat breakfast first. Breakfast is seriously the best part of my morning. I LOVE breakfast. That didn't particularly happen this morning because I live in the country and during the winter time...we get mice! There was a dead mouse on the kitchen floor. I lost my appetite and didn't want to eat breakfast in its company.
I plugged in the Chi and started putting on what little amount of make-up I do wear. The mascara brush slipped out of my hand, onto my shirt, and then into the waste basket. SWEET! Atleast the shirt I'm wearing today is navy blue.
I don't know where the time goes in the mornings. I feel like I'm moving at a good pase, but the minute hand is much faster. I really like being on time for things, but in all actuality it doesn't happen. I'm either pulling into the parking lot/drive way on the button or minutes late. It was snowing this morning (grumble) and mom said it would be a good idea to leave early, problem was at that point to be on time I needed to have left 3 minutes earlier. Blah. I have a better attitute in the morning now, but it's I'm also very quite. The best I usually give is a "goodmorning" and then "goodbye, love you too, see you later."
I head to town knowing Brad is still asleep because I've called him several times. We are always schedualed together for the orthodontist. It's 9:05 when I get to his house, but wait, maintenance is being done up and down the avenue. I get around them slowly just to see that they have their vehicles parked at the entrance of Brad's driveway! I can't wake him up and he's not going to wake up on his own. His mom forgot to wake him up before she left. (he's the type of person who doesn't wake up to an alarm AT ALL) I called one more time and then just went by myself arriving at 9:10. TEN MINUTES LATE! The secretary is so sweet and loves Brad and I so it was okay.
Dr. Gregg and his crew of ladies are always friendly. They compliment me on my clean teeth and how great my top teeth are looking without braces. (Of course they are talking to me and asking questions with their fingers in my mouth) My bottom braces aren't coming off until a tooth finishes turning completely around. I never even noticed it was backwards...who cares.
Brad and I were suppose to hang out after our appointment, but that didn't work out as planned. It's okay though because we'll see each other later today. I'm supposed to go to main campus tonight for a comp&lit writing lab. I think I'll pass on that. I have a 100% anyway. (English is the only class I can get an A in)
Bottom line-I just think that if I would have eaten breakfast, the morning would have ran SO much more smoothly. That's all.
Did I mention I have cramps?
Time to enjoy the rest of today and I hope you enjoy it too!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Valentine's Day
I had a great weekend! Bradly came over to pick me up so we could go see a movie before we headed to Columbus to meet Seth and Teresa for a late supper. We exchanged gifts before we left. He got me some beautiful roses and a Build-a-Bear that he spent all night creating in Columbus on Friday. It's adorable and the best part is that when you squeeze his foot he says "I love you Brittany" in Brad's voice. I got him some of his favorite cologne (Curve) Reese's heart-shaped cups, and a card I made for him. My dad stood there and watched us unwrap our gifts which was awkward...Mom gave me a Valentine's Day card too, which was very sweet.
Then we head to Wooster to see He's Just Not That Into You. There were several obstacles in our way of getting there and needless to say we got there late BECAUSE:
Then we head to Wooster to see He's Just Not That Into You. There were several obstacles in our way of getting there and needless to say we got there late BECAUSE:
- Brad didn't take my way (which is the faster way)
- After going "his way" it took him a while to realize where we were
- Once we did realize where we were there was a detour
- When we found a new way to go around it a bus stopped in the intersection and we couldn't turn. Meanwhile the person the bus is waiting on is skipping along the side walk taking their jolly old time...Brad's laughing, I'm laughing in disbelief and frustration.
- When we get to the theater there was NO WHERE to park. We parked next door and fast walked our butts over there.
It's now 5:03 and our movie started at 4:50. We missed all the previews and sit down right as its starting. We were pretty pleased with ourselves. The movie really bugged me in some parts, but in the end I cried happy "awww" tears and even Brad was smiling ear to ear. It was cute. You'll have to see it. (I gave it a 7.5 out of 10)
After the movie we headed for Columbus. Seth met us at Auto Zone so we could follow him to Teresa's apartment. We hopped in his car and went to the mall to pick up Teresa from work. We had some time to kill before our 9:30 reservations at Buca di (Peppi?) I don't know how to say it or spell it! It's an Italian restaurant and I now wish it was in my back yard. Delicious! It's a really unique place and everyone was very nice. We got fettucine alfredo supreme and stuffed shells. The serving sizes are HUGE so we all shared. On top of the food being great, our waitor reminded Teresa and I of Charlie from Lost! We left him a good tip.
We hung out at Teresa's for a while and ate valentine cookies and played with her adorable dog, Dakota. We left around 11:15 so that it wasn't too late when we were heading home. I think I talked Brad's ear off to and from Columbus, but he never seems to mind. I kid you not...I told him about every scene and the entire history background behind the movie The Duchess. (Which I gave 9 out of 10) Poor fella.
When we got to my house he walked me to the door like the perfect gentleman that he is. He's always opening my car door and making me feel special. Almost everyday is like Valentine's Day and that's how it should be for everyone. He spoiled me way too much this Valentine's Day, but we all had a great time. I love my Valentine =)
Arrivederci everyone
After the movie we headed for Columbus. Seth met us at Auto Zone so we could follow him to Teresa's apartment. We hopped in his car and went to the mall to pick up Teresa from work. We had some time to kill before our 9:30 reservations at Buca di (Peppi?) I don't know how to say it or spell it! It's an Italian restaurant and I now wish it was in my back yard. Delicious! It's a really unique place and everyone was very nice. We got fettucine alfredo supreme and stuffed shells. The serving sizes are HUGE so we all shared. On top of the food being great, our waitor reminded Teresa and I of Charlie from Lost! We left him a good tip.
We hung out at Teresa's for a while and ate valentine cookies and played with her adorable dog, Dakota. We left around 11:15 so that it wasn't too late when we were heading home. I think I talked Brad's ear off to and from Columbus, but he never seems to mind. I kid you not...I told him about every scene and the entire history background behind the movie The Duchess. (Which I gave 9 out of 10) Poor fella.
When we got to my house he walked me to the door like the perfect gentleman that he is. He's always opening my car door and making me feel special. Almost everyday is like Valentine's Day and that's how it should be for everyone. He spoiled me way too much this Valentine's Day, but we all had a great time. I love my Valentine =)
Arrivederci everyone
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