Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Quarter

I really had a great spring break. We played a lot of tennis, went to the Y, BW3's, went out to eat, saw Monsters vs. Aliens, went laser tagging, and had some family gatherings in between. Dad turned 50 and my Aunt Cindy came down for his surprise party! She is always the life of the party and is the very reason why I play tennis. I love her!

'Spring' quarter started yesterday and it snowed Sunday night. These are both things that fall under my list of things I don't like: school and snow in the springtime. Things weren't looking so good.

Then I get to Eng201 and the teacher is unpleasant. (I don't know what to call teachers in college..instructors, professors..) Her name is Patricia Herb and you never know what these people are going to be like until you go to class. I don't want to be mean, but there is a skit on SNL or Mad TV and there is a person named 'Pat' and no one knows if it's a guy or girl. She was pretty masculine, but that isn't the point. I decided to switch teachers because she was so strict and just not fun. I know that there will be times when I'm just going to have to deal with it, but not if I can change it. Now I am taking the same class with a nice lady, Deborah Hysell, who is funny and pleasant. Most of us had the wrong text book because the book store told us the wrong one and someone said "we'll never get the books now..they never get things in on time" Deb was like "yes we will because I am bitchy!" It was hilarious and unexpected, yet comforting at the same time. It's actually going to be taught 'hybrid' online though. This means open book tests ;)

So now my first class will be Math103 where I will spend 3-4 hours every Monday and Wednesday sitting at a computer trying to quickly get through it and finish early. I HATE math with a burning passion. There is a guy in there who thinks it's fun to always make comments when you come and go..but you have to pretend laugh to make him feel good. Also, he is bad with personal boundaries at times too. One time he was helping me and was like rubbing my back. Not to mention the same 5 songs are quietly played in the background over and over and over again. I like to do schoolwork in peace and quiet and not be annoyed with bad country or a perverted man. To add another complaint to the fire, I'm a recovering germ freak. These computers have mysterious gook and grime on the keys and mouse..I always carry Germ-X and actually have wipes that I would use before I got on the computers, but I don't want to look like the germ freak I am. This was always on my list of reasons I have always disliked school, right next to it smells bad. I know what you're thinking, 'must this girl complain about everything.' The answer is yes, but mostly just on here so that I can vent.

I did run into Travis Hayes though! I was just walking down the hall and noticed that someone sitting around the corner had the same shoes as him. Sure enough, it was him. It makes me happy to run into people at school that I went to high school with. Especially Travis because we still hang out and talk all the time.

After math I walk to the other side of the campus for Speech with Phil Martin. He could really use some of the masculinity Pat had and he could give her some feminine tips. He is quite a character. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Stewart Saves His Family" but he is a lot like him mixed with Jim Ford from church, mixed with David Bromstad from Color Splash on HGTV. Do you ever do that? You meet someone new and then you just think of other people you know that they remind you of. I hate speech almost as much as I hate math. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully Mrs. Lingenfelter prepared me well enough. I enjoy writing the speeches, but not delivering them. Americans fear public speaking more than death! Jason Artrip is in there with me, but I was actually hoping that no one I knew would be in there...haha.

Then I have another online class, Microsoft Word...haha! People my age have been using it since we were in 5th or 6th grade. It's needed for practically any degree and this is my last quarter that I can just do general classes. I don't know what I want to do and it seems like everyone else has their major and are in the zone. I'm envious of these people. I'm also really tired of people going through a list of careers and asking me "how about this, this, this or this, are you into this?" If I knew we wouldn't be having the conversation. Go read the "My shit is a mess" post for more on that. Plus, will an associates degree really do me any good? On the news they said that people with bachelors are even having a tough time out there. They said the best thing is to go to a technical school for all out experience. With my associates, I may be able to afford a cardboard box to live in, so that's something to look forward too.

By the way...I don't have anything against masculine women or feminine guys. Just throwing that out there. I wish I was more feminine, but I can't even control eyeliner when it's in my hand. I also just shouldn't be judging them. SIGH, I do that sometimes in my head- judge people. Bad, bad, bad! Also, I don't think I believe in gay marriage. I think my brother Brandon came up with this idea one time: "Feminine men should just date/marry a masculine woman." If you think about it, it does make sense! As they say though, 'you can't help who you love.' Plus, I love Ellen...her show will brighten your day.


  1. youre first days sound much more interesting than what mine were ha. my english teacher is charis bower. she wore jungle-like attire for the first day. my speech teacher is jannie nauman. i dont think she has an "inside voice". she yells all the time and i think im gonna get a headache every tuesday and thursday from 12pm to 1:15 :( haaa

  2. 1. those sandals are not ugly.. :( atleast you approve of everything else. sigh..think about it though..that's just one pair of sandals you won't get when i'm done with them. haha.

    2. i can jog with the ipod i'm getting..it's one of the only reasons i'm getting it. i would never spend money on a shuffle..i would have not being able to control what to listen to..

    3. interesting spring quarter britt..i agree that snow during spring sucks..as does rain. spring is my least favorite season.

  3. that speech teacher sounds insane..when you do your first speech you should just yell it the entire time. we had our first impromtu on the second day! I thought it was an april fools joke. haha

    I don't want those hippy sandals monkey! plus your feet are smaller than mine and my heel would just drag on the ground. do feel free to give me other garbage bags full of unwanted clothes though :)
