The residents at work were very honest and hilarious as always. When my mom asked, Genie didn't even hesitate and decided on "16" (she knows I drive) Alta shouted "10!" (she's silly) and Bob decided "14." I know I look younger than nineteen, but when you are young it isn't as flattering as when you're old and people say you don't look it. See what I'm saying? This could be very good news though. Maybe when I'm a 50 year old woman, I'll be looking 40. Anyway, I believe you're only as old as you feel. I'm totally playing tennis until I'm unable to swing a racket. As for now, perhaps if I wore more make-up and had a shapely body maybe I would look my age? Ooooh well. It doesn't bother me too much. Well, the lack of a shapely body kinda does. It makes me feel even more less of a woman. Why are women so hard on themselves. Am I still talking?
Moving on.
I had a great birthday! I spent most of the day with Bradly until he had to work. He had me open presents right away. (If you're reading this, chances are you saw pictures on FB) His mom got me a card that plays "I like to move it, move it" and a gift card from Wal-Mart. She also called me and sang 'Happy Birthday' on the phone! That was really awesome. Brad got me a new mirror for my room since my Aunt Cindy's dog, Gracie, knocked it over when I let her and Uncle Lou stay in my room for Christmas. It was no big deal, but I definitely needed one and I'm glad Brad thought of it. He also got me the movies Devil Wears Prada and Music and Lyrics. We both like to exercise, so he got me some special exercise shorts and wrist/ankle weights. He made me a card, but decided not to give it to me because he said "it was terrible." I love making people cards and doing crafts, but Brad thinks it's 'gay' for guys to do that. Then we ordered a large , hand tossed, chicken alfredo pizza from East of Chicago. I can smell it now...heavenly. It was a very nice afternoon and he, as always, was very sweet.
After I left Brad's I met my parents at work. We decided to eat at Ryan's (the rolls alone are enough to get me there) and planned to go shopping so that I could get some clothes or something. By the time we ate and got groceries it was 8:30 and Lost starts at 9. I was not about to miss it for the first time in my life. What a privledge to share my birthday with Lost! Five minutes into the show my godfather called...which don't get me wrong was very nice...but I totally missed 5 minutes of the show. I didn't particulary enjoy the episode anyway. My only comfort was the surprise cheesecake my mom made at work for me and the residents.
Saturday Brad and I went out for lunch and to see a movie with Marissa and Katherine. First we went to Wal-Mart to buy cheaper candy to sneak in. (Who doesn't?!) Then we watched Confessions of a Shopoholic. Brad was very excited about this. (NOT, his turn to choose next time..hooray for weird Sci-Fi movies..) I thought it was cute. One part in particular was hilarious. You'll just have to see it. We ate at Applebees afterward. It was mm mm good. Then Brad told the waitor it was my birthday so I got some helium baloons around my wrist. I have a little car, so it was a challenge to say the least. haha. Always a good time with M&K. Then Brad and I went to Cody and Ashley's house so that I could kick their butts in Peanuts. (I get last each and every time)
Then yesterday there was a baby shower for my cousin Lauren. There was a good turnout and everything was very nice. After that we had a family get together at our house for my birthday. As soon as I got home my dad said "you should go upstairs." I was thinking 'what did Brad do now?' (17th he decorated my room, 18th he decorated our entire living room, kitchen, and stairway while we were all sleeping) I went upstairs slowly, looking around to make sure no one was going to jump out at me. I get into my room and it looks like there was a person under my covers. I was like who is this?? Then I pull back the covers to find.........19 beautifully wrapped presents with a card on top for Baloo. My mouth dropped. I almost cried a couple times. I had no idea. Each and every gift was thought out and so perfect. Yes, it was the work of Monkey and Kat, my sistas from another motha who happens to be my Aunt who happens to be my second mom. They told me they got me Charlie for my birthday and they weren't lying. Two amazing gals right there.
Everyone made it except for Shanon and Adriana because they were both sick =( Again, there are pictures on my FB. I love my family and we always have a great time. Mom made up a couples game. The first thing we had to do was each think of a question. For example: Who would your significant other say was the most inspirational to them? What is their favorite past time? If they could travel with you anywhere in the world, where would they want to go? You get the idea. Then we would take turns answering. The girls would all answer what they thought and then the guys would have to guess which one they said and vice-versa. It was a good time. Everyone matched every single question except for mom&dad and Jason&Toni I think. Before that, Cody bought firework stuff in North Carolina so we went outside to launch them. It was FREEZING, but fun to see Cody so excited. I told Cody and Ashley that I wanted seashells for my birthday since they just got back from vacation. MUST have been nice! They picked some pretty ones, that's for sure. Brandon and Lisa made me a card that said "For your birthday we wanted to get you a gag gift...but you already have Brad!" HAHA. It even had a silly picture of him. They also got me 2 really awesome t-shirts from Aero. (I'm hard to shop for, but they got it right on)
I'd have to say that the best gift I got was being with everyone I care about the most. LOVE LOVE LOVE =)
Note to self: don't neglect blogging or else you will punish everyone with the longest blog ever.
What a wonderful birthday you had! Yay! I love birthdays and I love families!
ReplyDeleteKat is back to blogging!!
ReplyDeletebrittany! i have the same problem with looking like at 13 year old ha. thats funny. but the good news is that we'll still look young when we really are old :)
ReplyDeleteps- you should add me to your blog. i tried to "follow" yours but i couldnt find the link because i dont really know how to use this website ha :)
ha nevermind i just found the "follow" link hahah
ReplyDeletelooking younger will DEF come in handy later in life. i've come to terms with it. lol. Glad you had a great birthday! next year will be special too I'm sure. :) love you lady
ReplyDeleteYou are all too nice and refuse to tell me how old I really look. Then there are the perfect strangers who JUST meet me and tell me I look 14 and on top of that.."you look like your dad"
ReplyDeleteThanks for the two slaps in the face and a 'nice to meet you' Do they not see me driving?! Give me 16 at least! Sheesh.