- see a smile :)
- catch a fish <><
- hear a favorite song on the radio
- play tennis (preferably win;)
- spend time with my awesome family & friends
- am outside doing anything
- listen
- do the right thing
- make someone else happy
- paint a room and give it a makeover
- am right
- help someone
- know the answer
- get a hug from mom
- am treated with respect
- wake up to birds chirping
- am with Bradly
- cry tears of joy
- eat healthy
- teach someone something
- stand up for what I believe in
- watch Lost or Ellen
- see/play with a puppy
- save money
- drink an apple juice slushy
- exercise
- find something I've been looking for
- paint my toe nails
- do my best
- sing in the shower
- let my hair air dry and leave it natural
- make something, anything
- clean
- get hand-me-downs from M&K
- eat cereal
- make my parents proud
- see a good movie
- look up at the sky and just breathe
- figure out what to do
- live
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Happiness is when I...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Lost Without Lost

Last night was the 2 hour season finale of Lost...until February 2010! It sounds weird. I'll be 20 years old, which is two entire decades! It's so far away AND it's the last season next year.
Josh, Shanon, Adriana, Ashley, Brad, and me were wall watching it at the Lunt's house with Marissa, Katherine, and Aunt Renata. It was fun to all be together when we watched it and have a little mini Lost partay.
Anyway my Wednesday nights will now be empty and I'm still really sad about what happened. I've cried 3 times that I can remember when watching Lost...when Vincent (a dog) got separated from Walt (little boy who owned him) on the raft. This sounds pitiful but it was SUPER sad. When Charlie died...that was the worst. I was actually sobbing. He was my favorite and he sacrificed himself. Then last night when Juliet was getting pulled into the magnetic well thingy. Sawyer was all "where do you think you're going Blondie?!" He grabbed her hand and was trying to pull her up and kept saying "don't you leave me, don't you let go." She had a chain wrapped around her that was pulling her down and couldn't hold on. She kept saying "I love you James, I love you so much." Then she let go and Sawyer started crying..then I started crying. Sad. Sad. Sad. My apologies to those who don't watch Lost...you're probably like what the heck...who the heck...magnetic well thingy? You should probably have started watching Lost years ago because you have NO idea what you're missing!
This weekend is prom and I'm going to go hang out with Kaitlin while she's getting all dolled up by Marissa and Katherine. I don't have any skills to offer except maybe painting her toenails? haha. I can't believe it's already been a year since Brad and I went...crazy, crazy. I miss it. Then we're going to Grand March and maybe playing tennis if it's nice. On Sunday we have a family get together for May birthdays- hope the weather is nice so we can all play some wuffle ball!
This is odd. I haven't blogged in a while and all I'm thinking about is Lost. I'll come back and blog when I have something else to say that everyone can relate too. Until then- Stay LOST everyone :)
Josh, Shanon, Adriana, Ashley, Brad, and me were wall watching it at the Lunt's house with Marissa, Katherine, and Aunt Renata. It was fun to all be together when we watched it and have a little mini Lost partay.
Anyway my Wednesday nights will now be empty and I'm still really sad about what happened. I've cried 3 times that I can remember when watching Lost...when Vincent (a dog) got separated from Walt (little boy who owned him) on the raft. This sounds pitiful but it was SUPER sad. When Charlie died...that was the worst. I was actually sobbing. He was my favorite and he sacrificed himself. Then last night when Juliet was getting pulled into the magnetic well thingy. Sawyer was all "where do you think you're going Blondie?!" He grabbed her hand and was trying to pull her up and kept saying "don't you leave me, don't you let go." She had a chain wrapped around her that was pulling her down and couldn't hold on. She kept saying "I love you James, I love you so much." Then she let go and Sawyer started crying..then I started crying. Sad. Sad. Sad. My apologies to those who don't watch Lost...you're probably like what the heck...who the heck...magnetic well thingy? You should probably have started watching Lost years ago because you have NO idea what you're missing!
This weekend is prom and I'm going to go hang out with Kaitlin while she's getting all dolled up by Marissa and Katherine. I don't have any skills to offer except maybe painting her toenails? haha. I can't believe it's already been a year since Brad and I went...crazy, crazy. I miss it. Then we're going to Grand March and maybe playing tennis if it's nice. On Sunday we have a family get together for May birthdays- hope the weather is nice so we can all play some wuffle ball!
This is odd. I haven't blogged in a while and all I'm thinking about is Lost. I'll come back and blog when I have something else to say that everyone can relate too. Until then- Stay LOST everyone :)
Friday, April 3, 2009

This morning at 10am Taylor Swift tickets went on sale for Columbus. I was there and ready at 10am. At 10:01 we were able to get them. Floor seats were all unavailable, lower level seats were all unavailable, and finally I got us tickets in the terrace level. We will be sitting almost the furthest away from the stage. In a matter of minutes the tickets were sold out! Seriously? I'm thinking "no way...some people must have somehow gotten them early." Sure enough, if you are signed up for her e-mail list thing, you get first dibs on hot seats before anyone else. I'll punch a girl. (Just kidding) But I was not happy. It will still be great.
You know those stupid code things that you have to type in order to post something or advance to whatever else you are doing online? It will be like TYPE THIS CODE: b4nana PajAMa except it will be all distorted and splattered. Seriously? I HATE THOSE! Sometimes I can't figure out what the letters are and I keep having to do them over and over. They suck! Especially when I am trying to hurry up and purchase concert tickets...
I could eat cereal for every meal. When I was younger I wanted to own my very own cereal buffet. Seriously. Think about it.
Last night I played hide-n-seek in the dark at Travis' old house, which is like a jump, skip, and a hop away from my house out in the country. It's empty now and has no electricity. There are trees all around it. It was SO freaky. Seriously. We all had a lot of fun.
Well, me mum is home and now we are going to Mansfield for some shopping and to see Bride Wars while dad has band practice. This random/annoying blog really helped me kill some time ;)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Spring Quarter
I really had a great spring break. We played a lot of tennis, went to the Y, BW3's, went out to eat, saw Monsters vs. Aliens, went laser tagging, and had some family gatherings in between. Dad turned 50 and my Aunt Cindy came down for his surprise party! She is always the life of the party and is the very reason why I play tennis. I love her!
'Spring' quarter started yesterday and it snowed Sunday night. These are both things that fall under my list of things I don't like: school and snow in the springtime. Things weren't looking so good.
Then I get to Eng201 and the teacher is unpleasant. (I don't know what to call teachers in college..instructors, professors..) Her name is Patricia Herb and you never know what these people are going to be like until you go to class. I don't want to be mean, but there is a skit on SNL or Mad TV and there is a person named 'Pat' and no one knows if it's a guy or girl. She was pretty masculine, but that isn't the point. I decided to switch teachers because she was so strict and just not fun. I know that there will be times when I'm just going to have to deal with it, but not if I can change it. Now I am taking the same class with a nice lady, Deborah Hysell, who is funny and pleasant. Most of us had the wrong text book because the book store told us the wrong one and someone said "we'll never get the books now..they never get things in on time" Deb was like "yes we will because I am bitchy!" It was hilarious and unexpected, yet comforting at the same time. It's actually going to be taught 'hybrid' online though. This means open book tests ;)
So now my first class will be Math103 where I will spend 3-4 hours every Monday and Wednesday sitting at a computer trying to quickly get through it and finish early. I HATE math with a burning passion. There is a guy in there who thinks it's fun to always make comments when you come and go..but you have to pretend laugh to make him feel good. Also, he is bad with personal boundaries at times too. One time he was helping me and was like rubbing my back. Not to mention the same 5 songs are quietly played in the background over and over and over again. I like to do schoolwork in peace and quiet and not be annoyed with bad country or a perverted man. To add another complaint to the fire, I'm a recovering germ freak. These computers have mysterious gook and grime on the keys and mouse..I always carry Germ-X and actually have wipes that I would use before I got on the computers, but I don't want to look like the germ freak I am. This was always on my list of reasons I have always disliked school, right next to it smells bad. I know what you're thinking, 'must this girl complain about everything.' The answer is yes, but mostly just on here so that I can vent.
I did run into Travis Hayes though! I was just walking down the hall and noticed that someone sitting around the corner had the same shoes as him. Sure enough, it was him. It makes me happy to run into people at school that I went to high school with. Especially Travis because we still hang out and talk all the time.
After math I walk to the other side of the campus for Speech with Phil Martin. He could really use some of the masculinity Pat had and he could give her some feminine tips. He is quite a character. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Stewart Saves His Family" but he is a lot like him mixed with Jim Ford from church, mixed with David Bromstad from Color Splash on HGTV. Do you ever do that? You meet someone new and then you just think of other people you know that they remind you of. I hate speech almost as much as I hate math. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully Mrs. Lingenfelter prepared me well enough. I enjoy writing the speeches, but not delivering them. Americans fear public speaking more than death! Jason Artrip is in there with me, but I was actually hoping that no one I knew would be in there...haha.
Then I have another online class, Microsoft Word...haha! People my age have been using it since we were in 5th or 6th grade. It's needed for practically any degree and this is my last quarter that I can just do general classes. I don't know what I want to do and it seems like everyone else has their major and are in the zone. I'm envious of these people. I'm also really tired of people going through a list of careers and asking me "how about this, this, this or this, are you into this?" If I knew we wouldn't be having the conversation. Go read the "My shit is a mess" post for more on that. Plus, will an associates degree really do me any good? On the news they said that people with bachelors are even having a tough time out there. They said the best thing is to go to a technical school for all out experience. With my associates, I may be able to afford a cardboard box to live in, so that's something to look forward too.
By the way...I don't have anything against masculine women or feminine guys. Just throwing that out there. I wish I was more feminine, but I can't even control eyeliner when it's in my hand. I also just shouldn't be judging them. SIGH, I do that sometimes in my head- judge people. Bad, bad, bad! Also, I don't think I believe in gay marriage. I think my brother Brandon came up with this idea one time: "Feminine men should just date/marry a masculine woman." If you think about it, it does make sense! As they say though, 'you can't help who you love.' Plus, I love Ellen...her show will brighten your day.
'Spring' quarter started yesterday and it snowed Sunday night. These are both things that fall under my list of things I don't like: school and snow in the springtime. Things weren't looking so good.
Then I get to Eng201 and the teacher is unpleasant. (I don't know what to call teachers in college..instructors, professors..) Her name is Patricia Herb and you never know what these people are going to be like until you go to class. I don't want to be mean, but there is a skit on SNL or Mad TV and there is a person named 'Pat' and no one knows if it's a guy or girl. She was pretty masculine, but that isn't the point. I decided to switch teachers because she was so strict and just not fun. I know that there will be times when I'm just going to have to deal with it, but not if I can change it. Now I am taking the same class with a nice lady, Deborah Hysell, who is funny and pleasant. Most of us had the wrong text book because the book store told us the wrong one and someone said "we'll never get the books now..they never get things in on time" Deb was like "yes we will because I am bitchy!" It was hilarious and unexpected, yet comforting at the same time. It's actually going to be taught 'hybrid' online though. This means open book tests ;)
So now my first class will be Math103 where I will spend 3-4 hours every Monday and Wednesday sitting at a computer trying to quickly get through it and finish early. I HATE math with a burning passion. There is a guy in there who thinks it's fun to always make comments when you come and go..but you have to pretend laugh to make him feel good. Also, he is bad with personal boundaries at times too. One time he was helping me and was like rubbing my back. Not to mention the same 5 songs are quietly played in the background over and over and over again. I like to do schoolwork in peace and quiet and not be annoyed with bad country or a perverted man. To add another complaint to the fire, I'm a recovering germ freak. These computers have mysterious gook and grime on the keys and mouse..I always carry Germ-X and actually have wipes that I would use before I got on the computers, but I don't want to look like the germ freak I am. This was always on my list of reasons I have always disliked school, right next to it smells bad. I know what you're thinking, 'must this girl complain about everything.' The answer is yes, but mostly just on here so that I can vent.
I did run into Travis Hayes though! I was just walking down the hall and noticed that someone sitting around the corner had the same shoes as him. Sure enough, it was him. It makes me happy to run into people at school that I went to high school with. Especially Travis because we still hang out and talk all the time.
After math I walk to the other side of the campus for Speech with Phil Martin. He could really use some of the masculinity Pat had and he could give her some feminine tips. He is quite a character. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "Stewart Saves His Family" but he is a lot like him mixed with Jim Ford from church, mixed with David Bromstad from Color Splash on HGTV. Do you ever do that? You meet someone new and then you just think of other people you know that they remind you of. I hate speech almost as much as I hate math. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully Mrs. Lingenfelter prepared me well enough. I enjoy writing the speeches, but not delivering them. Americans fear public speaking more than death! Jason Artrip is in there with me, but I was actually hoping that no one I knew would be in there...haha.
Then I have another online class, Microsoft Word...haha! People my age have been using it since we were in 5th or 6th grade. It's needed for practically any degree and this is my last quarter that I can just do general classes. I don't know what I want to do and it seems like everyone else has their major and are in the zone. I'm envious of these people. I'm also really tired of people going through a list of careers and asking me "how about this, this, this or this, are you into this?" If I knew we wouldn't be having the conversation. Go read the "My shit is a mess" post for more on that. Plus, will an associates degree really do me any good? On the news they said that people with bachelors are even having a tough time out there. They said the best thing is to go to a technical school for all out experience. With my associates, I may be able to afford a cardboard box to live in, so that's something to look forward too.
By the way...I don't have anything against masculine women or feminine guys. Just throwing that out there. I wish I was more feminine, but I can't even control eyeliner when it's in my hand. I also just shouldn't be judging them. SIGH, I do that sometimes in my head- judge people. Bad, bad, bad! Also, I don't think I believe in gay marriage. I think my brother Brandon came up with this idea one time: "Feminine men should just date/marry a masculine woman." If you think about it, it does make sense! As they say though, 'you can't help who you love.' Plus, I love Ellen...her show will brighten your day.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Love at first spit wad
"Miss You"
[Brad's part]
Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare
the shadow in the background of the morgue
the unsuspecting victim
like darkness in the valley
we can live like Jack and Sally
if you want
Where you can always find me
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas
and in the night we'll wish this never ends
we'll wish this never ends
I miss you, miss you
[My part]
[Brad's part]
Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare
the shadow in the background of the morgue
the unsuspecting victim
like darkness in the valley
we can live like Jack and Sally
if you want
Where you can always find me
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas
and in the night we'll wish this never ends
we'll wish this never ends
I miss you, miss you
[My part]
Where are you?
and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
this sick, strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting every time
and as I stared I counted, the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
stop this pain tonight..
Don't waste your time on me
you're already the voice inside my head
I miss you, miss you
and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
this sick, strange darkness
comes creeping on so haunting every time
and as I stared I counted, the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight?
stop this pain tonight..
Don't waste your time on me
you're already the voice inside my head
I miss you, miss you
So, this is NOT a very pretty song if you read some of the words, but it became our song in 2004 when we started dating. We use to sing it on the phone to each other all the time and we still sing it sometimes. Today is our 5 year anniversary. Brad had to work all weekend though, so we are going out this Friday.
We became friends in 6th grade, but we never liked each other before then. I thought he was just a stupid attention seeking boy and he thought that I believed I was above him because there was a school named after me. (my great grandpa) haha. He was constantly getting into trouble by Ms. Mikus and a lot of the time it was because of things he was doing to me. For example, he would 'gleek' on me with his spit, spit spit wads in my hair, make a 'snow storm' by rubbing his hair really fast making his hair gel just flake all over my desk, one time he even pushed me into Ms. Mikus when I was talking to her..."Brad, out in the hall!" We'd play basketball at recess together all the time, when he didn't have a noon room. Sometimes I would take 'voluntary noon rooms' to hang out with him in the library. My mom would record our school programs and sure enough you'll see Brad behind me messing up my hair for every hand gesture we had to do. with a big grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I have to bust out bits and pieces from the old diary a bit for this blog because it's all Brad and the beginning of our friendship. Apparently I knew everything at 12 and 13..
February 11, 2002
My boyfriend is Brad Young since January 18, Fri. at 1:18 in the hallway going to the 5th grade spelling bee. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever want in my opinion. Brad carries my lunch tray, brings me my coat, lets me play basketball with him, gives me his booster tickets. I always tell him "I will still like you if you don't do these things for me" but he says he likes to for some reason. When I try to take his tray or give him booster tickets he will say "that's not lady like." My friends keep telling me to brake up with him just because he is a class clown.
February 19, 2002
Yesterday was Brad and mine 1 month Anaversery. My friends are mad at me because I play basketball with Brad instead of playing with them, but I don't care. He is so sweet. I would rather have Brad a nice funny, caring, cute boy than any popular boy. That's how much I love him.
March 3, 2002
I keep thinking about telling Brad I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">March ?, 2002
Bad news is I had to brake up with Brad, that was hard. But I'm glad I did once Zach Efaw told me Brad was going to stay with me till Easter to get his gift. Bad excuse, he told me only to get him a card and he'd get me one. I don't think he would wait for a card. He likes Jessica Hoover. He hurt me, but I'll live. I will admit I am jealous of Jessica. He started out as a great boyfriend, but ended up being a jerk! He's telling everyone he broke up with me. Lie, Lie, Lie, use, use, use, he's no good and I thought he was sweet. I think I still have feelings for him, just a little. Today he forgot and walked towards me and turned back around. Now we don't even talk to eachother at all. I want to be friends atleast. Everything I look at at school reminds me of him and even when I got home and saw Zelda, our favorite video game. I cried. Bye Brad the best boyfriend I'll ever have with the saddest ending. (Wow, I'm dramatic)
July 20, 2002
Today I might play b-ball with Brad. He's moving to Cleveland with his dad to have a fresh start. I will tell him good luck and what a good friend he's been to me. I'll miss him. 7th grade won't be the same without him.
August 9, 2002
I played b-ball with Brad, it was fun. He let me win twice. Afterwards I wanted to buy him something at the dairy, but he said no. Then he walked me to the Lunts. I tolled him he didn't have to but who can tell Brad not to do something. I like him again even though I tried not too. It's imposible not to though. I had a dream that I kissed him. If I were older I would, but I'm only 12. I called him yesterday and we talked for 3 hours. He likes me! I know I'm only 12, but I know what love is and when I heard he liked me my like turned into love. (...pahahaha)
I was talking to Brad on aol and I told him I thought he had 3 personalities. He said I was right and asked what they were. I told him you have the one at your dads which is all an act, the one here which is conseded, and I think the third one is the real you. Nice, caring, funny, outgoing, listens, and gives good advice. Then he said yeah but I'm not like that much. Have you ever seen me like that? I told him once or twice but I liked that side of him. He asked me if he should start being himself. I told him it was up to him, but I like that side and if thats who he was be it. He said thanks for the advice :) We have alot of respect for eachother nowdays. Its cool.
Oh my..my entire diary is full of Brad stories. It goes on and on back and forth between "I love Brad" "Once again he proved to be a jerk!" "He's a great friend"
He's been my friend since we were 12 years old and now he's my best friend. We've been through so much together. Something I've learned is that relationships are really hard sometimes and things happen that cause a lot of heartache. We have a lot of respect for eachother and that's how it always should be. He's grown up a lot in these 5 years and so have I, but there is always room for improvement. That 12 year old ornery boy that carried my tray, now opens the car door for me. I could talk forever about memories and stories, but I think I've already said too much. haha.
Bottom line-Every girl deserves a gentleman.
We became friends in 6th grade, but we never liked each other before then. I thought he was just a stupid attention seeking boy and he thought that I believed I was above him because there was a school named after me. (my great grandpa) haha. He was constantly getting into trouble by Ms. Mikus and a lot of the time it was because of things he was doing to me. For example, he would 'gleek' on me with his spit, spit spit wads in my hair, make a 'snow storm' by rubbing his hair really fast making his hair gel just flake all over my desk, one time he even pushed me into Ms. Mikus when I was talking to her..."Brad, out in the hall!" We'd play basketball at recess together all the time, when he didn't have a noon room. Sometimes I would take 'voluntary noon rooms' to hang out with him in the library. My mom would record our school programs and sure enough you'll see Brad behind me messing up my hair for every hand gesture we had to do. with a big grin on his face. I'm sorry, but I have to bust out bits and pieces from the old diary a bit for this blog because it's all Brad and the beginning of our friendship. Apparently I knew everything at 12 and 13..
February 11, 2002
My boyfriend is Brad Young since January 18, Fri. at 1:18 in the hallway going to the 5th grade spelling bee. He is the best boyfriend anyone could ever want in my opinion. Brad carries my lunch tray, brings me my coat, lets me play basketball with him, gives me his booster tickets. I always tell him "I will still like you if you don't do these things for me" but he says he likes to for some reason. When I try to take his tray or give him booster tickets he will say "that's not lady like." My friends keep telling me to brake up with him just because he is a class clown.
February 19, 2002
Yesterday was Brad and mine 1 month Anaversery. My friends are mad at me because I play basketball with Brad instead of playing with them, but I don't care. He is so sweet. I would rather have Brad a nice funny, caring, cute boy than any popular boy. That's how much I love him.
March 3, 2002
I keep thinking about telling Brad I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">March ?, 2002
Bad news is I had to brake up with Brad, that was hard. But I'm glad I did once Zach Efaw told me Brad was going to stay with me till Easter to get his gift. Bad excuse, he told me only to get him a card and he'd get me one. I don't think he would wait for a card. He likes Jessica Hoover. He hurt me, but I'll live. I will admit I am jealous of Jessica. He started out as a great boyfriend, but ended up being a jerk! He's telling everyone he broke up with me. Lie, Lie, Lie, use, use, use, he's no good and I thought he was sweet. I think I still have feelings for him, just a little. Today he forgot and walked towards me and turned back around. Now we don't even talk to eachother at all. I want to be friends atleast. Everything I look at at school reminds me of him and even when I got home and saw Zelda, our favorite video game. I cried. Bye Brad the best boyfriend I'll ever have with the saddest ending. (Wow, I'm dramatic)
July 20, 2002
Today I might play b-ball with Brad. He's moving to Cleveland with his dad to have a fresh start. I will tell him good luck and what a good friend he's been to me. I'll miss him. 7th grade won't be the same without him.
August 9, 2002
I played b-ball with Brad, it was fun. He let me win twice. Afterwards I wanted to buy him something at the dairy, but he said no. Then he walked me to the Lunts. I tolled him he didn't have to but who can tell Brad not to do something. I like him again even though I tried not too. It's imposible not to though. I had a dream that I kissed him. If I were older I would, but I'm only 12. I called him yesterday and we talked for 3 hours. He likes me! I know I'm only 12, but I know what love is and when I heard he liked me my like turned into love. (...pahahaha)
I was talking to Brad on aol and I told him I thought he had 3 personalities. He said I was right and asked what they were. I told him you have the one at your dads which is all an act, the one here which is conseded, and I think the third one is the real you. Nice, caring, funny, outgoing, listens, and gives good advice. Then he said yeah but I'm not like that much. Have you ever seen me like that? I told him once or twice but I liked that side of him. He asked me if he should start being himself. I told him it was up to him, but I like that side and if thats who he was be it. He said thanks for the advice :) We have alot of respect for eachother nowdays. Its cool.
Oh my..my entire diary is full of Brad stories. It goes on and on back and forth between "I love Brad" "Once again he proved to be a jerk!" "He's a great friend"
He's been my friend since we were 12 years old and now he's my best friend. We've been through so much together. Something I've learned is that relationships are really hard sometimes and things happen that cause a lot of heartache. We have a lot of respect for eachother and that's how it always should be. He's grown up a lot in these 5 years and so have I, but there is always room for improvement. That 12 year old ornery boy that carried my tray, now opens the car door for me. I could talk forever about memories and stories, but I think I've already said too much. haha.
Bottom line-Every girl deserves a gentleman.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Nothing to say
Tomorrow is my last day of winter quarter! Some aspects of my life are looking up! Goodbye winter, hello spring! It is about 68 degrees outside. Earlier I had to write MY LAST essay for Eng114 while listening to the birds chirp and watching the sunshine. It was extremely hard to concentrate. Tomorrow I just have one final and I am done for a week. That week is going to be filled with tennis, jogging, working, more tennis..teaching people to play tennis so I have more people to play with. This weekend Travis, Kurtis, Brad, and I are going to play doubles. I'm really excited. I'm going to be outside almost everyday being active. LOVE IT!
I should probably be studying right now, but instead I'm blogging. I'm just waiting until Brad wakes up so we can, you guessed it, play tennis! Then we're going to my brothers house to watch Lost tonight. It's a tradition. We've been going over there for 3 years now every Wednesday night when Lost is in season.
Kings of Leon - Use Somebody ~I cannot get this song out of my head! I love it :)
Brad and I don't hang out nearly as much as we used to lately. Things keep coming up. The car he bought needed a new clutch so he took it to a guy that someone recommended from work. The guy not only ruined Brad's car, but he also took parts from it. It was supposed to be done the first day he took it, but 2 days later the guy wasn't answering Brad's calls. So he just showed up and a bunch of guys were sitting around his car drinking. When they saw him they all kind of got frantic and the guy said 'it'll be done in 40 minutes.' It wouldn't even start...He already paid him the $125 and only got $30 back because they guy totally went immediately and bought drugs. Then he has the nerve to say "thanks a lot, I fixed your clutch for $90.." What a dead beat! Brad is taking him to the small claims court or something like that. A mechanic is going to check his car out and give an estimate on how much all the damage is going to cost. The lady who sold Brad the car agreed to testify that the car was fine before. They have pictures and everything. Then people were saying that this 'mechanic' was going to be outside waiting for Brad to get off work so he could fight him. haha. WHAT A MESS! Did I mention that Brad's car before this one caught on fire?! Yeah..he has the worst luck ever.
I wish I had something exciting to talk about, but I don't.
K, bye.
I should probably be studying right now, but instead I'm blogging. I'm just waiting until Brad wakes up so we can, you guessed it, play tennis! Then we're going to my brothers house to watch Lost tonight. It's a tradition. We've been going over there for 3 years now every Wednesday night when Lost is in season.
Kings of Leon - Use Somebody ~I cannot get this song out of my head! I love it :)
Brad and I don't hang out nearly as much as we used to lately. Things keep coming up. The car he bought needed a new clutch so he took it to a guy that someone recommended from work. The guy not only ruined Brad's car, but he also took parts from it. It was supposed to be done the first day he took it, but 2 days later the guy wasn't answering Brad's calls. So he just showed up and a bunch of guys were sitting around his car drinking. When they saw him they all kind of got frantic and the guy said 'it'll be done in 40 minutes.' It wouldn't even start...He already paid him the $125 and only got $30 back because they guy totally went immediately and bought drugs. Then he has the nerve to say "thanks a lot, I fixed your clutch for $90.." What a dead beat! Brad is taking him to the small claims court or something like that. A mechanic is going to check his car out and give an estimate on how much all the damage is going to cost. The lady who sold Brad the car agreed to testify that the car was fine before. They have pictures and everything. Then people were saying that this 'mechanic' was going to be outside waiting for Brad to get off work so he could fight him. haha. WHAT A MESS! Did I mention that Brad's car before this one caught on fire?! Yeah..he has the worst luck ever.
I wish I had something exciting to talk about, but I don't.
K, bye.
Sunday, March 8, 2009

April 16, 2003
"Yesterday was the bomb! We went to see Avril Lavigne in concert (coolest rock singer in my time, just for when I'm older to remember) Our seets were on the floor, well like standing. First there was this stupid band called GOB. They were horrible!! Then Simple Plan, they rock just not as much as Avril. Then after like 2 hours she came out...TRY TO SHUT ME UP TOUR...It started with Sk8er Boi and we were all jumpin', it was great! I sang all her songs beginning to the end. She's my hero! Sorry Elvis, but your daughter is a B****! Ne way so two guys got in a fight and they were like cussing. Then there was this girl that really looked like Avril beside us, it was sweet!! I'll like never forget this concert!!! I have the best parents in the world and I will love them till the end of the universe!!!"
I still remember that concert like it was yesterday. I am just as excited now as I was at 13! As I'm writing this I'm blaring Taylor Swift's cd and singing along. I have 4 months to learn every single word to every single song on her first album and this album. Piece of cheesecake. I love them all!
Taylor has totally taken Avril's spot as my fav female singer. Avril's 3rd cd, although I bought it, is just not good. It's like she's getting older, but singing songs that are for bratty 12 year olds that are growing up to fast. This is just my own opinion. Plus, she isn't as good of a role model for younger girls nowadays.
After we go to this concert, I'm totally blogging about every detail. I haven't written in my old diary since October 2003 or any journal for that matter. I think having a journal is a really good idea. It's hilarious to look back and also therapeutic at times. My mom gave me my diary in 2002; "To my beautiful daughter with love from mom- For all your thoughts and dreams" I love writing, but it's so much faster to type =)
Totally getting a cute pair of cowgirl boots for the concert! I cannot wait! AAAAAHHHH
I'm only up when you're not down
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying to let you know
That what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground
It's like no matter what I do
Well you drive me crazy half the time
The other half I'm only trying to let you know
That what I feel is true
And I'm only me when I'm with you
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