Friday, February 20, 2009

"My shit is a mess"

Today is Friday and Fridays are suppose to be awesome. I am already home for the night in my pajamas. The highlights of my night are that A) my dad is making my favorite pasta for supper and B) I bought What Happens in Vegas at Activewares for $5 and plan to watch it later on. (Wild, right?)

I have never felt so lost in my entire life. I ruined this quarter at school because I hated the classes I was taking for my then major, Office Management. I dropped 2 of them and am still in 2 other classes. I don't know what I want to do with my life and its really bothering me. I know I'm still young, but I don't want to waste time or money. I've already wasted money from my college fund because of it. I wish I knew what I was meant to do. Then I could just spend the next 2 years working really hard at getting the degree, get a job, and move on with my life.

When people hear that I don't know what I'm majoring in, I have to say "I don't know, but I'll let you know when I know." Then they ask "Well what are your interests?" As if I myself haven't been thinking everyday what I could possibly see myself doing for the rest of my life. (I know they are just trying to help..) I know what kind of person I want to be, but I do not know what I want to do and I don't know how to know. I've taken interest tests before. My results were something like education, transportation, and public services. I love to be organized and have a lot of patience, but I have no desire to go to school for 4 years, especially to be underpaid. (Good teachers deserve way more than what they get) As for transportation...YEAH I WANT TO BE A TAXI DRIVER! No disrespect to anyone in transportation, but its not for me. As for public services- my first major at NCSC was Criminal Justice. I don't want to be a police woman or anything. (I'm a big chicken and could see myself using pepper spray out of fear when it was truly unecessary) I was thinking more along the lines of a Juvenile Probation Officer because I wanted to have the authority to get kids to school and help them get back on the right track. I also thought I could use it as an opportunity to kind of be a counselor in a sense. The only problem is, I couldn't see myself going house to house experiencing the bad situations kids are in. It's sad and could be scary at times. I'm so blessed to have my family.

What I do know is that I want to be the best person I can be. I want to be a great wife and mother. They say "high school/college years are the best years of your can never get them back." I'm sorry, but if those are supposed to be the best...I just don't believe they are. I believe the happiest days of my life will be when I am married with my own family. To me, that's what the most important part of life is; family.

On top of not having a career path, I don't work a whole lot. I work for my parents at the assisted living they started in town. My name tag says Secretary, but really we all answer the phone when it rings. What I basically do is run errands to the pharmacy, bank, post office, Wal-Mart, and any other place that someone may need something. I'm not actually in the building a whole lot. I'm very glad that I can help out there whenever they need me and I do love it, but in the summer I'll definately be getting a second job as well. I'm also proud of my parents and all their hard work to have accomplished their dreams of creating/owning their own assisted living.

Then there is the fact that I don't really hang out with anyone except for Brad and my family. Don't get me wrong because I LOVE hanging out with my Bradly and family, but when he's at work- like right now- I do nothing. I talk to a handful of people on a regular basis, but I don't hang out with them and that's okay. I'm actually a bore anyway haha. The main problem is that I've always had guy friends. I think I get along with guys better since I grew up with 4 brothers. I've always wished that I had an older sister, but Marissa and Katherine have always kind of been like my older sisters so that's neat. Plus I have a good relationship with my mom. The point is that I can't be hanging out with guy friends when I have a boyfriend because I wouldn't want Brad to go hang out with girls. See what I mean? I don't really have any guy friends anymore anyway though so there was really no point to this entire paragraph.

I don't really know how to wrap this up. I'll just leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, Definitely Maybe, just because I love it!

April: Why couldn't you have told me this when you had your shit together?
Will: My shit is together
April: Your shit is NOT together, your shit is a mess...
Will: My shit is a mess...seems funny coming from you April. I mean you could do anything, anything in the world and you work at a bookstore. At least I can say I tried, I put myself out there and I really tried. As a friend, maybe you should get some help, some life rehab. I don't know if they do that, but if they do you would be a prime candidate.
April: I should go to life rehab?! (Slaps him) Get off my front porch.

Okay, byyyye.


  1. wooow. I loved every second of this. I'm with you. I WISH PEOPLE FOLLOWED THEIR DREAMS MORE like your parents. (byron).. god, he's so freakin capable and smart. he's throwing it all down the tube. whatever.........anyways. I'd love to hang out whenever. I'll be your sister:) Love ya

  2. Just ran across your blog today on Facebook. I like how you are real and put yourself out there.

    I think it's safe to say that there are challenges at every stage of life. I remember being where you are...longing to get married, start a family, and get on with my life! And now married with kids sometimes I long to go back! lol My best advice would be to put your trust in the Lord to guide you and try to enjoy this stage of your life the best you can. Right now you have the freedom to get involved in so many things! Either through our church or AU has a lot of activites for college kids (I checked into it last summer). If you and your boyfriend have an interest in a small group, we have a spot open. We have another college-age couple in the group...Ben Mapes and Keely Koons.

    And about the guy/friend thing, I can completely relate. My friends were mostly guys before getting married and it has been really tough...even 9 years later. God has forced me to be-friend women :)

    I pray you will get direction soon. God Bless.

  3. Thank you Jeanette =)
    I think things will get better once spring hits. I got my schedule all figured out and ready to go for next quarter. I think a lot of it is just cabin fever! I need to be outside being active. (LOVE to play tennis/jog/anything!) Mom has mentioned being more involved with the church too. As far as college activities go, I don't want to take the time to drive to NCSC on random times to do things like that. AU is closer though. I guess I'm more like my dad than my mom as far as activities go. Maybe that will change too. Thanks again!
